N.J. Stat. § 54:10A-5.2
The Director of the Division of Taxation, in the Department of the Treasury shall, on or before May 30, 1988 and on or before May 30 annually thereafter, review the most recent annual revenue collections in order to estimate the revenue collections from the franchise tax paid pursuant to subsection (c) of section 5 of P.L. 1945, c.162 (C.54:10A-5), attributable solely to changes in federal income tax laws effectuated by the "Tax Reform Act of 1986," Pub.L. 99-514(100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.s. 1 et seq.), which estimate shall be made in multiples of $1,000,000.00. The director on or before May 30, 1988 and on or before May 30 annually thereafter, shall provide a certification of the estimate of these revenues to the Legislature. The surtax rate in section 1 of this 1986 supplementary act shall be determined pursuant to the following formula: R = .5% x ((CA-FA)/60,000,000) where: R is the surtax percentage rate, which shall not be less than zero; FA is the corporate business tax revenue amount, estimated by the director, attributable solely to changes in federal income tax laws effectuated by the "Tax Reform Act of 1986," Pub.L. 99-514; and, CA is equal to 40,000,000 for the first certification year, 45,000,000 for the second certification year, 50,000,000 for the third certification year, 45,000,000 for the fourth certification year, 45,000,000 for the fifth certification year, and 45,000,000 for the sixth certification year.
The rate of surtax determined shall only be for the report covering the accounting or privilege period ending on or after July 31 of the calendar year in which the certification is made but no later than June 30 of the calendar year next succeeding the calendar year in which the certification was made.
N.J.S. § 54:10A-5.2