N.J. Stat. § 53:5A-8.3
When a member of the State Police Retirement System is required to retire upon attaining the age of 55 years and the retirement date for that member will occur after the date of the declaration of a public health emergency or state of emergency, or both, by the Governor as to which the Federal Emergency Management Agency has established an incident period but before the end date of the period identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as the time interval during which the incident that caused the emergency occurs, the retirement date shall be extended, upon the request of the member, if the Superintendent determines, based on a need to supplement available staffing or in consideration of the member's specific assignment or expertise, that the member's extended service is warranted in order to assist the Division of State Police in responding to the public health emergency or state of emergency, to no later than the first day of the second calendar month that follows the calendar month in which the end date of the incident period for the public health emergency or state of emergency, whichever is later, occurs. A member may make only one request for an extension, which shall include any request made prior to the effective date of P.L. 2021, c. 428. An extension requested pursuant to this section shall not exceed 90 days in duration, and may be terminated at any time if the Superintendent determines that there is no longer a need to supplement available staffing or for the member's specific assignment or expertise that would warrant the member's extended service in order to assist the Division of State Police in responding to the public health emergency or state of emergency.
This section shall be applicable to requests submitted by members prior to, or on, or after the effective date of this act, P.L. 2021, c. 428.
This section shall not be deemed to alter or impair the entitlement and obligation set forth in subsection d. of section 8 of P.L. 1965, c.89 (C.53:5A-8).
N.J.S. § 53:5A-8.3