The staff of the Joint Committee shall review all bills introduced into both houses each Legislative session for identification of those bills which will clearly have a significant impact upon the cost, availability, or affordability of housing in New Jersey. A list of those bills so identified shall be prepared, and thereafter a statement to the sponsor and the chairman of the committee, if any, to which a bill on the list was referred, or to the presiding officer of the House in which the bill originated if no such reference was made, shall be sent by the Joint Committee Staff indicating that a housing affordability impact note is required. An impact note for each bill on the list shall thereafter be completed by the Joint Committee as soon as practicable, unless a request to expedite the preparation of an impact note is made by the bill's sponsor. If there is insufficient information to prepare a reliable estimate of the anticipated impact, a statement to that effect may be filed and shall meet the requirements of this section. The Legislative Budget and Finance Officer and the Office of Legislative Services shall provide such assistance as may be requested by the Joint Committee in the preparation of the housing affordability impact note.
N.J.S. § 52:9RR-5