Section 52:27H-22.12 - Certification qualificationsTo qualify for certification under this act, the export trading corporation shall:
a. Provide in its bylaws that its sole purpose and function is to serve as an incubator facility for eligible businesses;b. Demonstrate that (1) a majority of its board members have experience in the business of export trade for a period of at least five years; (2) the corporation is financially sound; and (3) the corporation has adequate resources to determine the viability of its clients' products or services in international markets;c. Provide a program designed to bring new entrants into the export market and develop their exporting self-sufficiency;d. Establish in connection with community colleges and other institutions of higher education, an internship or job training program or programs for students enrolled in a curriculum in a public or private institution of higher education for which knowledge of export trade will enhance the student's ability to find employment and for employees of a business which exports or intends to export, and may be eligible for funding under the terms of the Workforce Development Partnership Program established pursuant to P.L. 1992, c.43 (C.34:15D-1 et seq.); ande. Provide at least the following services to new entrants into the export market: (1) Provide or contract for assistance in researching foreign markets;(2) Provide or contract for assistance in advertising, marketing, and participation in foreign trade fairs;(3) Provide or contract for assistance in placing bids with foreign buyers;(4) Provide or contract for legal assistance in arranging export trade transactions;(5) Provide or contract for assistance in the pricing of goods to be exported, arranging the terms of sale, and facilitating foreign exchange transactions;(6) Assist in arranging for loans or loan guarantees to clients, including loans or guarantees from the authority, commercial banking institutions, foreign banking institutions, or the Export-Import Bank of the United States;(7) Provide or contract for translating, interpreting, or other services to facilitate communication between exporters and foreign purchasers;(8) Assist in arranging for the training of employees or prospective employees of clients with respect to the conducting of export trade;(9) Obtain, or assist in obtaining, bankers' acceptances pursuant to section 207 of Title II of the Export Trading Company Act of 1982, Pub.L. 97-290(12 U.S.C. 372);(10) Purchase or take title to the receivables of exporters, or arrange purchases through independent factoring houses;(11) Assist in arranging for the packing, transportation, and shipment of goods;(12) Assist in, or contract for assistance in, the preparation of appropriate shipping and collection documents;(13) Assist in, or contract for assistance in, the purchase of appropriate insurance, including marine and export credit insurance, provided through private carriers, or at the discretion of the board, through an umbrella or blanket policy obtained by a corporation;(14) Assist in, or contract for assistance in, the processing of foreign orders to and for exporters and foreign purchasers;(15) Assist in arranging joint ventures with other exporters or with a foreign entity;(16) Assist in, or contract for assistance in, negotiating license agreements with foreign firms;(17) Assist in arranging financing through the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, the Export-Import Bank of the United States, through private sources, or a combination thereof; and(18) Assist clients in applying for export trade-related job training assistance pursuant to the Workforce Development Partnership Program established pursuant to P.L. 1992, c.43 (C.34:15D-1 et seq.).