Section 52:27D-43.26 - Findings, declarationsThe Legislature finds and declares that:
a. Hispanics in New Jersey represent 9% of the total population and constitute the second largest and fastest growing minority in the State.b. In 1985, 32% of all Hispanic families were headed by women; 43% of whom were families in poverty.c. Hispanic women are concentrated in low-skill, low-salary jobs, working fewer hours per year and earning less than either black or white women; their disadvantaged employment status is linked to the fact that Hispanic women have completed fewer years of education than non-Hispanic women; only 6% have completed college and a mere 43% of Hispanic women as compared to 69% of non-Hispanic women have graduated from high school.d. Contributing to the Hispanic women's plight is the fact that cultural differences and language barriers are not acknowledged by the present educational, career and social services system in New Jersey; although some agencies have bilingual staff, they lack the bicultural knowledge of the socioeconomic obstacles that affect an Hispanic woman's ability to fully participate in the programs currently offered.