Section 52:27D-43.13 - Duties of divisionThe division, under the supervision and leadership of the director, shall:
a. Serve as the central permanent agency for the coordination of programs and services for the women of New Jersey and for the evaluation of the effectiveness of their implementation and as a planning agency for the development of new programs and services;b. Establish a liaison with all other governmental departments and agencies involved with the enforcement of laws, ordinances, and regulations and with the development of programs affecting the status of women;c. Request State departments and other public and private agencies on a State, county, and local level to initiate joint efforts to promote the expansion of rights and opportunities available to the women of this State;d. Cooperate with all Federal and interstate programs and services provided for women;e. Engage in a continuous study of the changing needs and concerns of women in New Jersey and develop and recommend new programs to the Governor and the Legislature;f. Consult with, advise, and otherwise provide professional assistance to organized efforts by communities, organizations, associations, and groups which are working toward the goal of improving the status of women;g. Serve as a clearing house to publish and disseminate information and to provide assistance and direction to women with specific problems and needs;h. Act as a search committee for the Governor and other executive officers in the State Government for the purpose of discovering and recommending women who are talented and qualified to serve in the Executive Branch of the State Government;i. Report annually to the Commissioner of Children and Families and the Governor on its activities and recommendations;j. Do all other things necessary to carry out the powers and duties granted under P.L. 1974, c.87 (C.52:27D-43.8 et seq.).Amended by L. 2012, c. 16,s. 146, eff. 6/29/2012.