Section 52:27D-120 - PurposeIt is the intent and purpose of this act:
a. To encourage innovation and economy in construction and to provide requirements for construction and construction materials consistent with nationally recognized standards.b. To formulate such requirements, to the extent practicable, in terms of performance objectives, so as to make adequate performance for the use intended as the test of acceptability.c. To permit to the fullest extent feasible the use of modern technical methods, devices and improvements, including premanufactured systems, consistent with reasonable requirements for the health, safety, and welfare of occupants or users of buildings and structures.d. To eliminate restrictive, obsolete, conflicting and unnecessary construction regulations that tend to unnecessarily increase construction costs or retard the use of new materials, products or methods of construction, or provide preferential treatment to types or classes of materials or products or methods of construction.e. To insure adequate maintenance of buildings and structures throughout the State and to adequately protect the health, safety and welfare of the people.f. To eliminate unnecessary duplication of effort and fees in the review of construction plans and the inspection of construction.