Section 51:1-54.4 - Weights and Measures Funda. There is established the "Weights and Measures Fund" as a non-lapsing revolving fund in the Department of Law and Public Safety into which shall be deposited all fees and penalties collected by the State superintendent under Title 51 of the Revised Statutes.b. The fund shall be administered by the State superintendent and shall be used to pay all expenses incurred by the State superintendent in connection with the regulation of weighing and measuring devices pursuant to Title 51 of the Revised Statutes.c. All counties and municipalities which have established departments of weights and measures pursuant to R.S. 51:1-42 et seq. shall be eligible to receive reimbursement from the fund established under this section for an amount certified by the State superintendent to be sufficient to defray all or part of the costs incurred in connection with the regulation of weighing and measuring devices pursuant to Title 51 of the Revised Statutes. Reimbursement shall be for an amount of up to the full cost incurred by the county or municipal department.