Section 49:5-7 - Investigationsa. The bureau may make such investigations within or outside of this State as it deems necessary to determine whether any person has violated or is about to violate the provisions of this act or any order of the bureau chief, and may require any person subject to the investigation to pay the actual costs of the investigation including $50.00 per day for the time of the investigator. The bureau chief shall have power to issue subpenas and subpenas duces tecum to require the attendance of any person and the production of any papers for the purposes of such investigation.b. If, in the course of any investigation or hearing conducted by the bureau chief pursuant to this act, a person refuses to answer a question or questions or produce evidence of any kind on the ground that he will be exposed to criminal prosecution or penalty or to forfeiture of his estate thereby, the bureau chief may order the person to answer the question or questions or produce the requested evidence and confer immunity as in this section provided. If upon issuance of such an order, the person complies therewith, he shall be immune from having such responsive answer given by him or such responsive evidence produced by him, or evidence derived therefrom used to expose him to criminal prosecution or penalty or to a forfeiture of his estate, except that such person may nevertheless be prosecuted for any perjury committed in such answer or in producing such evidence, or for contempt for failing to give an answer or produce evidence in accordance with the order of the bureau chief and any such answer given or evidence produced shall be admissible against him upon any criminal investigation, proceeding or trial against him for such perjury, or upon any investigation, proceeding or trial against him for such contempt.L.1977, c.76, s.7, eff. 4/27/1977.