Section 49:2B-9 - Recitalsa. Refunding bonds shall recite that they are issued for the purposes set forth in section 4 of this act and that they are issued in pursuance of this act and that this act was enacted in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the State of New Jersey. The recital in the bonds shall be conclusive evidence of the authority of the State to issue those bonds and of their validity. Any refunding bonds containing that recital shall in any suit, action or proceeding involving their validity be conclusively deemed to be fully authorized by this act and to have been issued, sold, executed and delivered in conformity therewith and with all other provisions of statutes applicable thereto, and shall be incontestable for any cause.b. Refunding bonds shall be issued in denominations and in forms, whether coupon, fully registered or book-entry, and with or without provisions for interchangeability thereof, as may be determined by the issuing officials.