Section 48:5A-18 - Hearings; conduct; notice; intervention by municipalities; fees; disposition of fees and chargesa. Any hearing held pursuant to the provisions of section 16 or section 17 of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-16 or C.48:5A-17) shall be open to the public, and notice thereof shall be published by the applicant at least 10 days prior thereto in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation throughout the State or (1) if the hearing is upon application for certification, in each municipality comprised, in whole or part, in the area for which certification is sought, or (2) if the hearing is upon an application under subsection e. of section 17 of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-17), in each municipality whose refusal of municipal action or authorization is involved in the application.b. Every municipality may intervene in any hearing or investigation held under the authority of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-1 et seq.) which involves rates, charges, services or facilities affecting the municipality or the public within the municipality.c. For the purpose of defraying the administrative expenses of hearings held pursuant to section 16 or 17 of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-16 or C.48:5A-17), the applicant CATV company shall be required to pay to the Office of Cable Television a fee not in excess of $500 per day of hearing or fraction thereof, according to such fee schedule as the director shall from time to time adopt by rule. Such fee shall be in addition to any filing fee imposed pursuant to sections 16 and 17 of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-16 and C.48:5A-17); the amount shall be due and payable upon presentation of an invoice.d. All fees and charges collected under the provisions of sections 16 and 17 of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-16 and C.48:5A-17) shall be received by the director for the sole use of the State, and the director shall report on and return to the State Treasurer all such fees and charges collected.Amended by L. 2006, c. 83, s. 14, eff. 8/4/2006, op. 11/2/2006.