Section 48:5A-16 - Application for certificate of approval, system-wide franchise, fees; decision; appeal; hearingsa. Any entity that seeks to provide cable service in this State after the effective date of P.L. 2006, c. 83(C.48:5A-25.1 et al.) may apply for either individual certificates of approval or a system-wide franchise. The application for a certificate of approval or a system-wide franchise from the board shall be in writing.b.(1) If the application is for an individual certificate of approval, it shall have attached thereto the municipal consents required under section 22 of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-22), except that a CATV company which is authorized under section 25 of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-25) to continue operations after the expiration of a municipal consent and pending municipal action upon application made for renewal or reissuance of such consent may in lieu of such municipal consent attach to its application a statement regarding its authorization to continue operations under the provisions of section 25 of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-25); and shall contain such other information as the director may from time to time prescribe by duly promulgated rule, regulation or order. Each such application shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $200.(2) Upon receipt of an application for a certificate of approval, the board shall review the application and shall, within 30 days of the receipt thereof, either issue the certificate of approval applied for or order the director to schedule a hearing upon the application. No application shall be denied without a hearing thereon. In determining whether a certificate of approval should be issued, the board shall consider only the requirements of sections 17 and 28 of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-17 and C.48:5A-28).c. (Deleted by amendment, P.L. 2006, c. 83).d. If the application is for a system-wide franchise, it shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $1,000, and shall specify the information required in section 28 of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-28).e. A hearing held pursuant to subsection b. of this section shall be held not later than the sixtieth day following the date of receipt of the application; it may be adjourned from time to time, but not to a date later than the sixtieth day following the date on which it commenced, except with the consent of the applicant. If such hearing is held, the director shall within 60 days after the conclusion thereof, transmit his findings of fact and recommendations to the board, which shall either issue or deny the certificate for which application was made, or may issue a certificate with such limitations and conditions as the public interest may require. The board shall transmit notice of its decision to the applicant.f. Upon receipt of an application for a system-wide franchise submitted pursuant to subsection a. of this section, the board shall review the application and shall, within 45 days of the receipt thereof, schedule two public hearings to be held in different geographical areas of the State during the 45-day review period to consider the application. In determining whether a system-wide franchise should be issued, the board shall consider only the requirements of sections 17 and 28 of P.L. 1972, c.186 (C.48:5A-17 and C.48:5A-28). On or before the expiration of the 45-day period, the board shall issue an order in writing approving the application if the applicant has complied with the requirements for a system-wide franchise, or the board shall disapprove the application in writing citing the reasons for disapproval if the board determines that the application for a system-wide franchise does not comply with the requirements for a system-wide franchise. If, during the 45-day review period, the board determines to disapprove the application, the board shall schedule a meeting with the applicant to explain to the applicant the reasons for the board's disapproval and to allow the applicant to question the board concerning the reasons for the board's disapproval. Such meeting shall be scheduled no later than two weeks following the expiration of the 45-day review period required by this subsection. The applicant shall have 30 days following the date of the meeting with the board required by this subsection to file an appeal of the board's decision. The board shall thereafter schedule an administrative hearing not later than the thirtieth day following the date of the filing of the applicant's appeal in order to consider the applicant's appeal. The board shall issue a final decision in written form on the applicant's appeal not later than the sixtieth day following the administrative hearing, required by this subsection, on the applicant's appeal.Amended by L. 2006, c. 83, s. 12, eff. 8/4/2006, op. 11/2/2006.