N.J. Stat. § 48:13A-7.26
As used in sections 1 through 10 of P.L. 2003, c. 169(C.48:13A-7.24 et seq.):
"Department" means the Department of Environmental Protection.
"Market-based rates" means the solid waste disposal rates collected by a privately-owned sanitary landfill facility which do not exceed rates charged at other solid waste facilities in this State or at competing out-of-State facilities.
"Privately-owned sanitary landfill facility" means a commercial sanitary landfill facility which is owned and operated by a private person, corporation or other organization and includes all appurtenances and related improvements used at the site for the transfer, processing or disposal of solid waste.
"Sanitary landfill facility" means a solid waste facility at which solid waste is deposited on or in the land as fill for the purpose of permanent disposal or storage for a period exceeding six months, except that it shall not include any waste facility approved for disposal of hazardous waste.
"Solid waste disposal services" means the services provided by persons engaging in the business of solid waste disposal.
N.J.S. § 48:13A-7.26