Section 46:8A-2 - DefinitionsUnless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended, as used herein:
(a) "Apartment" means an enclosed space consisting of one or more rooms occupying all or part of a floor or floors in a building of one or more floors or stories, but not the entire building, and notwithstanding whether the apartment be designed for residence, for office, for the operation of any industry or business, or for any other type of independent use, provided it has a direct exit to a thoroughfare or to a given common space leading to a thoroughfare;(b) "Coowner" means a person, firm, corporation, partnership, association, trust or other legal entity, or any combination thereof, who owns an apartment within the building;(c) "Council of coowners" means all the coowners as defined in subsection (b) of this section; but a majority as defined in subsection (f) of this section, shall, except as otherwise provided in this act constitute a quorum for the adoption of decisions;(d) "General common elements" means and includes:(1) The land on which the building is located;(2) The foundations, main walls, roofs, halls, lobbies, stairways, and entrance and exit or communication ways;(3) The basements and roofs, except as otherwise provided or stipulated;(4) The premises for the lodging of janitors or persons in charge of the building, except as otherwise provided or stipulated;(5) The compartments or installations of central services such as power, light, gas, cold and hot water, refrigeration, reservoirs, water tanks and pumps, and the like;(6) The elevators, garbage incinerators and, in general all devices or installations existing for common use;(7) Yards, gardens, walkways, parking areas, driveways, streets, picnic areas, recreational areas and related facilities for the pursuit of activities, whether included in one or more regimes or located adjacent to or between one or more regimes and intended to be available for use by the coowners of all regimes, except as otherwise provided or stipulated; and(8) All other elements rationally of common use or necessary to the existence, upkeep and safety of the property;(e) "Horizontal property regime" means the form of ownership of real property which consists of the building or buildings, common elements and other property described in the master deed creating and establishing the same.(f) "Limited common elements" means and includes those common elements which are agreed upon by all the coowners to be reserved for the use of a certain number of apartments to the exclusion of the other apartments, such as special corridors, stairways and elevators, sanitary services common to the apartments of a particular floor, and the like;(g) "Majority" or "Majority of coowners" means the coowners of at least 51% of all the apartments in the regime;(h) "Master deed" means the deed establishing the horizontal property regime;(i) "Person" means an individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association, trust or other legal entity, or any combination thereof;(j) "Property" means and includes all the lands, all the buildings, all improvements and structures thereon, and all easements, rights and appurtenances belonging thereto, included in one regime, or in two or more regimes, provided such regimes together constitute a single community.(k) "Regime" means the property described in the master deed.L.1963, c.168, s.2; amended by L.1978, c.124, s.1, eff. 10/5/1978.