Section 46:26B-2 - Requirements for approval or filing of a mapa. A map shall not be approved by a proper authority unless it meets the requirements of this section specified for the kind of map involved. The following kinds of maps shall meet the following requirements: (1) Major subdivision plats shall meet all of the requirements of this section.(2) Right of way parcel maps shall meet the requirements of subsections b. (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), (7), (11) of this section.(3) Minor subdivision maps shall meet all of the requirements of this section except for the outside tract line monuments requirement of subsection b. (8).(4) Condominium plans shall meet the requirements of subsections b. (1), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (11). b. No map requiring approval by law or that is to be approved for filing with a county, shall be approved by the proper authority unless it conforms to the following requirements:(1) A map shall show the scale, which shall be inches to feet and be large enough to contain legibly written data on the dimensions, bearings and all other details of the boundaries, and it shall also show the graphic scale.(2) A map shall show the dimensions, square footage of each lot to the nearest square foot or nearest one hundredth of an acre. Bearings and curve data shall include the radius, delta angle, length of arc, chord distance and chord bearing sufficient to enable the definite location of all lines and boundaries shown, including public easements and areas dedicated for public use. Non-tangent curves and non-radial lines shall be labeled. Right of way parcel maps shall show bearings, distances and curve data for the right of way or the center line or base line and ties to right of way lines if from a base line.(3) Where lots are shown thereon, those in each block shall be numbered consecutively. Block and lot designations shall conform with the municipal tax map if municipal regulations so require. In counties which adopt the local or block system of indices pursuant to sections 46:24-1 to 46:24-22 of the Revised Statutes, the map shall show the block boundaries and designations established by the board of commissioners of land records for the territory shown on the map.(4) The reference meridian used for bearings on the map shall be shown graphically. The coordinate base, either assumed or based on the New Jersey Plane Coordinate System, shall be shown on the plat.(5) All municipal boundary lines crossing or adjacent to the territory shall be shown and designated.(6) All natural and artificial watercourses, streams, shorelines and water boundaries and encroachment lines shall be shown. On right of way parcel maps all easements that affect the right of way, including slope easements and drainage, shall be shown and dimensioned.(7) All permanent easements, including sight right easements and utility easements, shall be shown and dimensioned.(8) The map shall clearly show all monumentation required by this chapter, including monuments found, monuments set, and monuments to be set. An indication shall be made where monumentation found has been reset. For purposes of this subsection "found corners" shall be considered monuments. A minimum of three corners distributed around the tract shall indicate the coordinate values. The outbound corner markers shall be set pursuant to regulations promulgated by the State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.(9) The map shall show as a chart on the plat any other technical design controls required by local ordinances, including minimum street widths, minimum lot areas and minimum yard dimensions.(10) The map shall show the name of the subdivision, the name of the last property owners, the municipality and county.(11) The map shall show the date of the survey and shall be in accordance with the minimum survey detail requirements of the State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.(12) A certificate of a land surveyor or surveyors, shall be endorsed on the map as follows: I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief this map and land survey dated ............................................ meet the minimum survey detail requirements of the State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors and the map has been made under my supervision, and complies with the "map filing law" and that the outbound corner markers as shown have been found, or set.
(Include the following, if applicable)
I further certify that the monuments as designated and shown have been set.
Licensed Professional Land Surveyor and No.
(Affix Seal)
(13) If the land surveyor who prepares the map is different from the land surveyor who prepared the outbound survey, the following two certificates shall be added in lieu of the certificate above. (a) I certify to the best of my knowledge, information and belief that this land survey dated has been made under my supervision and meets the minimum survey detail requirements of the State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors and that the outbound corner markers as shown have been found, or set. ............................................................................
Licensed Professional Land Surveyor and No.
(Affix seal)
(b) I certify that this map has been made under my supervision and complies with the "map filing law." (Including the following if applicable)
I further certify that the monuments as designated and shown have been set.
Licensed Professional Land Surveyor and No.
(Affix seal)
(c) If monuments are to be set at a later date, the following requirements and endorsement shall be shown on the map. The monuments shown on this map shall be set within the time limit provided in the "Municipal Land Use Law," P.L. 1975, c.291 (C.40:55D-1 et seq.) or local ordinance.
I certify that a bond has been given to the municipality, guaranteeing the future setting of the monuments as designated and shown on this map.
Municipal Clerk
(d) If the map is a right of way parcel map the project surveyor need only to certify that the monuments have been set or will be set.(14) A certificate of the municipal engineer shall be endorsed on the map as follows: I have carefully examined this map and to the best of my knowledge and belief find it conforms with the provisions of "the map filing law," resolution of approval and applicable municipal ordinances and requirements.
Municipal Engineer (Affix Seal)
(15) An affidavit setting forth the names and addresses of all the record title owners of the lands subdivided by the map and written consent to the approval of the map of all those owners shall be submitted to the proper authority with the map.(16) If the map shows highways, streets, lanes or alleys, a certificate shall be endorsed on it by the municipal clerk that the municipal body has approved the highways, streets, lanes or alleys, except where such map is prepared and presented for filing by the State of New Jersey or any of its agencies. The map shall show all of the street names as approved by the municipality.Added by L. 2011, c. 217,s. 1, eff. 5/1/2012.