N.J. Stat. § 45:22A-51
All unit owners and proprietary lessees in a proprietary campground facility shall comply with all lawful requirements set forth in the master deed or certificate of incorporation, bylaws and public offering statement of the condominium or cooperative and with all State, county and municipal laws, rules and ordinances applicable to the maintenance and operation of the proprietary campground facility. Every master deed or certificate of incorporation for a proprietary campground facility shall prohibit the use of the property for purposes of domicile or permanent residency, unless otherwise permitted by municipal ordinance. Any unit owner or proprietary lessee who, after receipt of notice to cease and desist from the association or corporation responsible for the administration of the facility, shall continue to violate, or allow any other person to violate, any lawful requirement set forth in the master deed or certificate of incorporation, bylaws or public offering statement, or any applicable law, rule or ordinance, in contravention of this section, shall be subject to eviction and termination of contractual rights in a summary proceeding in the Special Civil Part of the Law Division of the Superior Court.
N.J.S. § 45:22A-51