Chapter 45:15 - LICENSE REQUIRED
- Section 45:15-1 - License required
- Section 45:15-1.1 - Role of housing referral aide
- Section 45:15-1.2 - License required for acceptance of compensation for providing assistance in locating rental housing
- Section 45:15-2 - "Engaging in business" defined
- Section 45:15-3 - Terms defined, license required for bringing action for compensation
- Section 45:15-3.1 - Payment of referral fee, commission to person licensed in another jurisdiction
- Section 45:15-3.2 - Written agreement
- Section 45:15-4 - Application of provisions of article limited
- Section 45:15-5 - New Jersey Real Estate Commission continued
- Section 45:15-6 - Commission salaries
- Section 45:15-7 - Provision, duties of personnel
- Section 45:15-8 - Seal; certified copies of records as evidence; public inspection of records
- Section 45:15-9 - Real estate licenses
- Section 45:15-10 - Examination required for initial licensure; term, renewal
- Section 45:15-10.1 - Educational requirements
- Section 45:15-10.2 - Waiver of educational requirements for licensure
- Section 45:15-10.3 - Bureau of Real Estate Education
- Section 45:15-10.4 - Licensure of real estate school
- Section 45:15-10.5 - Licensure as real estate instructor
- Section 45:15-10.6 - Application for, issuance of license as real estate school, fees
- Section 45:15-10.7 - Application for, issuance of license as real estate instructor; fees
- Section 45:15-10.8 - Director of real estate school
- Section 45:15-10.9 - Director of public adult education program
- Section 45:15-10.10 - Real estate school, instructor license
- Section 45:15-10.11 - Grounds for suspension, revocation of real estate school instructor license
- Section 45:15-10.12 - Restrictions on persons with revoked license
- Section 45:15-10.13 - Revocation of license of school; exceptions
- Section 45:15-10.14 - Power, authority of commission
- Section 45:15-11 - Disabled war veterans; granting of license
- Section 45:15-11.3 - Issuance of temporary broker's license
- Section 45:15-12 - Broker to maintain office
- Section 45:15-12.1 - Bars to issuance of license
- Section 45:15-12.2 - Repeal
- Section 45:15-12.3 - Revoked license, disability to act
- Section 45:15-12.4 - Revocation of partnership, corporate license
- Section 45:15-12.5 - Maintenance of special account required
- Section 45:15-12.6 - Approval of depository institution
- Section 45:15-12.7 - Agent, custodian may not use interest on escrow funds
- Section 45:15-12.8 - Acceptance of monies
- Section 45:15-13 - Form of license; change of broker's address
- Section 45:15-14 - License kept by employing broker
- Section 45:15-15 - License fees
- Section 45:15-16 - Acceptance of commission, valuable consideration
- Section 45:15-16a - Rebate paid by broker to purchaser
- Section 45:15-16b - Advertisement for rebate
- Section 45:15-16c - Regulations
- Section 45:15-16.2 - Educational and information programs
- Section 45:15-16.2a - Continuing education required; exceptions
- Section 45:15-16.2b - Delivery of continuing education courses
- Section 45:15-16.2c - Completion of continuing education requirements
- Section 45:15-16.2d - Fulfillment of continuing education requirement
- Section 45:15-16.2e - Core topics for continuing education courses
- Section 45:15-16.2f - Maintenance of records by course providers
- Section 45:15-16.2g - Rules, regulations
- Section 45:15-16.27 - Short title
- Section 45:15-16.28 - Definitions
- Section 45:15-16.29 - Bureau of Subdivided Land Sales Control continued
- Section 45:15-16.30 - Conditions for disposition of subdivided lands
- Section 45:15-16.30a - Registration as secondary registration subdivider
- Section 45:15-16.31 - Subdivisions, subdivided lands subject to this act
- Section 45:15-16.32 - Inapplicability to offers, dispositions of an interest in a subdivision
- Section 45:15-16.33 - Notice of filing; registration; rejection
- Section 45:15-16.34 - Initial registration fee; inspection fee; consolidated filing fee
- Section 45:15-16.35 - Examination by commission
- Section 45:15-16.36 - Contents of statement of record
- Section 45:15-16.37 - Information available to public
- Section 45:15-16.38 - Public offering statement; not to be used for promotional purposes; amendments to; right to cancel
- Section 45:15-16.39 - Consolidated filing
- Section 45:15-16.40 - Report by subdivider
- Section 45:15-16.41 - Powers of commission
- Section 45:15-16.42 - Commission empowered to issue cease and desist orders
- Section 45:15-16.43 - Conditions for revocation of registration
- Section 45:15-16.44 - Commission empowered to bring action in Superior Court; intervene in suits
- Section 45:15-16.45 - Submission of applicant to the courts; methods of service
- Section 45:15-16.46 - Violations by brokers, salespeople; fines, penalties
- Section 45:15-16.47 - Actions, counterclaims permitted against non-compliers
- Section 45:15-16.48 - Existing registrations deemed in force and effect
- Section 45:15-16.49 - Rules and regulations
- Section 45:15-16.50 - Short title
- Section 45:15-16.51 - Definitions relative to timeshares
- Section 45:15-16.52 - [Multiple Versions] Applicability of Act (§ 15-16.52)
- Section 45:15-16.53 - Inapplicability of Act
- Section 45:15-16.54 - Administration by Real Estate Commission
- Section 45:15-16.55 - Nonpreemption of local codes; supersedure of other regulation of timeshares
- Section 45:15-16.56 - Creation of timeshare plan
- Section 45:15-16.57 - Requirements for developers of timeshares; application, registration
- Section 45:15-16.58 - Responsibilities of timeshare developer for offering, marketing violations
- Section 45:15-16.59 - Public offering, disclosure statements; requirements
- Section 45:15-16.60 - Filing of annual reports by developer of timeshare
- Section 45:15-16.61 - Issuance of notice of filing of registration
- Section 45:15-16.62 - Review of registration; orders, schedule
- Section 45:15-16.63 - Deficiency notice, appeal
- Section 45:15-16.64 - Fee for initial registration
- Section 45:15-16.65 - Registrations required for sale
- Section 45:15-16.66 - Creation of provision for managing entity, duties
- Section 45:15-16.67 - Voidability of purchase contract
- Section 45:15-16.68 - Conditions for release of escrow funds to the developer
- Section 45:15-16.70 - Prohibitions relative to developers of timeshares
- Section 45:15-16.71 - Detailed financial records
- Section 45:15-16.72 - Maintenance of employee records
- Section 45:15-16.73 - Permitted action for partition
- Section 45:15-16.74 - Refusal to issue, renew, revoke, suspension of registration, penalties
- Section 45:15-16.75 - Powers of commission
- Section 45:15-16.76 - Determinations by commission; cease and desist order
- Section 45:15-16.77 - Violations
- Section 45:15-16.78 - Application for registration deemed submission to jurisdiction of courts
- Section 45:15-16.79 - Additional penalties
- Section 45:15-16.80 - Actions, counterclaims, remedies
- Section 45:15-16.81 - Valid registration required for action
- Section 45:15-16.82 - Rules
- Section 45:15-16.83 - Forms, procedures
- Section 45:15-16.84 - Investigation of matters relative to application for registration
- Section 45:15-16.85 - Existing timeshare plans remain in full force and effect
- Section 45:15-16.86 - Definitions
- Section 45:15-16.87 - Brokerage firm acting as buyer's, seller's, dual disclosed, designated agent, duties owed to principal, all parties in a transaction
- Section 45:15-16.88 - Brokerage firms, real estate brokerage services, buyer's agent, conditions, exceptions
- Section 45:15-16.89 - Buyer's agent duties, exceptions
- Section 45:15-16.90 - Brokerage firms, real estate brokerage services, seller's agent, conditions, exceptions
- Section 45:15-16.91 - Seller's agent duties, exceptions
- Section 45:15-16.92 - Brokerage firms acting as a disclosed dual agent, informed consent of both parties, residential, commercial real estate transaction; duties, exceptions
- Section 45:15-16.93 - Different broker, broker-salesperson, salesperson, designated agent, fiduciary duties owed, respective principals
- Section 45:15-16.94 - Brokerage firm engaged as transaction broker shall not act as an agent or represent any party in the transaction; transaction broker duties
- Section 45:15-16.95 - Established agency, transaction broker relationships, completion, expiration of terms, termination, conditions
- Section 45:15-16.96 - Real estate transaction, brokerage firm compensation
- Section 45:15-16.97 - Liability, brokerage firm, principal, agent, transaction broker
- Section 45:15-16.98 - Principal not to be charged, knowledge, notice of facts known by brokerage firm, not actually known by principal
- Section 45:15-16.99 - Residential property showing, generally open to public, sign advising prospective buyers, brokerage firm representing seller only; exceptions, sign text
- Section 45:15-16.100 - Regulations, relationships, real estate brokerage firms
- Section 45:15-16.101 - Rights, remedies, prohibitions declared additional, cumulative
- Section 45:15-17 - Investigation of actions of licensees; suspension or revocation of licenses and causes therefor
- Section 45:15-17.1 - Temporary suspension of license
- Section 45:15-17.2 - Freezing accounts during suspension of broker's license
- Section 45:15-17.3 - Sanctions for noncomplying sales of mobile homes
- Section 45:15-17.4 - Rules, regulations
- Section 45:15-18 - Notification to licensee of charges made in licenses suspension, revocation
- Section 45:15-19 - Cause for revocation of license
- Section 45:15-19.1 - License revoked upon conviction
- Section 45:15-19.2 - License suspended when licensee is indicted
- Section 45:15-19.3 - No supercedure
- Section 45:15-20 - Nonresident licenses
- Section 45:15-21 - Filing of irrevocable consent to service
- Section 45:15-24 - Commitment for nonpayment of judgment
- Section 45:15-27 - Disposition of penalties
- Section 45:15-29 - Payment of fines, penalties; funding of commission's expenses
- Section 45:15-29.1 - Employees transferred
- Section 45:15-29.2 - Rights under Title 11 and under pension laws not affected
- Section 45:15-29.3 - Orders, rules, regulations continued
- Section 45:15-29.4 - "New Jersey Real Estate Commission," reference
- Section 45:15-29.5 - Actions, proceedings not affected
- Section 45:15-34 - Real estate guaranty fund established
- Section 45:15-35 - Additional amount payable upon initial issuance of license
- Section 45:15-36 - Management and investment of funds
- Section 45:15-37 - Payments from real estate guaranty fund
- Section 45:15-38 - Civil action which may result in court order for payment; limitations of action; joinder of commission
- Section 45:15-39 - Secretary of commission constituted as agent
- Section 45:15-40 - Insufficiency of funds; replenishment; excess amounts
- Section 45:15-41 - Revocation of license upon issuance of court order for payment from fund
- Section 45:15-42 - Rules and regulations