Section 44:7-88 - Duties and responsibilities of welfare boards
Welfare boards shall:
a. Be relieved of those duties and responsibilities, under "Old Age Assistance,"R.S. 44:7-3 to 44:7-37, "Permanent and Total Disability Assistance," P.L. 1951, c.139 (C.44:7-38 to 44:7-42), and "Assistance for the Blind," P.L. 1962, c.197 (C.44:7-43 to 44:7-49), that the government has assumed under the Supplemental Security Income Program and under the agreement between the government and this State. Welfare boards shall retain, to the extent determined by the commissioner, the responsibility for the performance of all the functions under the above laws that the government will not perform pursuant to the agreement between the State and the government.b. Provide social services to those persons designated to receive such services pursuant to section 3b.(2) of this act.c. (Deleted by amendment, P.L. 1990, c.66.)d. Pay to the commissioner the amount assessed by the commissioner pursuant to subsection j. of section 3 of P.L. 1973, c.256 (C.44:7-87).