N.J. Stat. § 43:6A-12
Whenever the Supreme Court shall certify to the Governor, any member who shall have served as a judge of the several courts, may be retired for disability if the member has become physically or otherwise incapacitated for full and efficient service to the State in his judicial capacity. The Governor shall thereupon refer the disability claim to three physicians of skill and repute in their profession and residents of this State who shall examine the member and report to the Governor as to his physical or other disability and whether in all reasonable probability, if they find the disability existent, it will continue permanently and does and will continue to prevent the member from giving full and efficient service in the performance of his judicial duties. If the report confirms the existence of the disability, and if the Governor approves the report, the member shall be retired not less than 1 month next following the date of filing of an application with the retirement system, and he shall receive a retirement allowance which shall consist of an annuity which is the actuarial equivalent of his accumulated deductions together with regular interest, and a pension which, when added to the member's annuity, will provide a retirement allowance during the remainder of his life in an amount equal to three-fourths of his final salary.
N.J.S. § 43:6A-12