N.J. Stat. § 40:66A-50
Every solid waste management authority is hereby empowered, in its own name but for the local unit or units, to acquire by purchase, gift, grant or devise and to take for public use real property, within the district, which may be deemed by the solid waste management authority necessary for its purpose. Such solid waste management authority is hereby empowered to acquire and take such real property by condemnation, in the manner provided by chapter 1 of Title 20, Eminent Domain, of the Revised Statutes (R.S., section 20:1-1 et seq.) and, to that end, may invoke and exercise in the manner or mode of procedure prescribed in said chapter, either in its own name or in the name of any local unit or units, all of the powers of such local unit or units to acquire or take property for public use.
N.J.S. § 40:66A-50