Section 40:37C-5 - PowersThe authority shall have the following powers together with all powers incidental thereto or necessary for the performance thereof:
a. To have perpetual succession as a public body corporate and politic;b. to adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business;c. to sue and to be sued;d. to have and to use a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure;e. to maintain an office at such place or places within the county as it may designate;f. to acquire after a public notice has been given at least 20 days prior thereto in a newspaper of general circulation in the area served by the authority, in the name of the authority by purchase or otherwise, on such terms and conditions and in such manner as it may deem proper any land and other property which it may determine is reasonably necessary for any of its pollution control facilities;g. to determine, with the approval of the State Department of Environmental Protection, the location and manner of construction of pollution control facilities to be financed under the provisions of this act, and to acquire, construct, reconstruct, repair, alter, improve, extend, own, lease, finance, sell, maintain and dispose of the same and to enter into contracts for any and all of such purposes, and to designate persons as its employees and agents to accomplish the same;h. to lease to a person or persons any or all of the pollution control facilities upon such terms, conditions and guarantees as the authority shall deem proper, and to charge and collect rent and fees therefor and to terminate any such lease upon the failure of the lessee to comply with any of the obligations thereof; and to include in any such lease, if desired, provisions that the lessee or lessees thereof, and any guarantor of such lease, shall have upon the termination of the lease term options to renew the term of the lease for such period or periods and at such rent as shall be determined by the authority or to purchase any or all of the pollution control facilities for a nominal amount or otherwise or that upon payment of all of the indebtedness incurred by the authority for the financing of such pollution control facilities of the authority may convey any or all of the pollution control facilities to the lessee or lessees thereof;i. to sell to a person or persons any or all of the pollution control facilities upon such terms and conditions as the authority shall deem proper including the right to receive for such sale the note or notes of the person or persons purchasing the facility;j. to acquire, hold, pledge, mortgage and dispose of real and personal property in the exercise of its powers and performance of its duties under this act;k. to invest and reinvest bond proceeds pending application to the purposes for which such bonds were issued and other funds under its control, subject only to the provisions of any bond resolution, lease or other agreement entered into by such authority;l . to issue bonds in such principal amounts as, in the opinion of such authority, shall be necessary to provide sufficient funds to carry out the purpose of this act, including the planning, financing, acquisition, construction and other project costs of pollution control facilities, the payment of interest on the bonds of the authority, the provision for working capital and all other expenditures of the agency incident to and necessary or convenient for carrying out its purposes and powers and to refund the same, all as provided for in this act;m. to employ engineers, architects, attorneys, accountants, construction and financial experts, superintendents, managers and such other employees and agents, without regard to the provisions of Title 11 of the Revised Statutes, as may be necessary in its judgment and to fix their compensation;n. to receive and accept from any public agency loans or grants for or in aid of the construction of pollution control facilities and any portion thereof, or for equipping the same, and to receive and accept grants, gifts or other contributions from any source;o . to refund, after public notice has been given, outstanding obligations incurred by any agency or any person to finance the cost of pollution control facilities, including obligations incurred for pollution control facilities undertaken and completed after the enactment of this act when the authority finds that such financing is in the public interest;p. to extend credit or make loans to any person in order to pay or provide for the payment of any project costs of a pollution control facility; andq. to do all things necessary and convenient to carry out the purposes of this act.L.1973, c.376, s.5, eff. 1/9/1974; amended by L.1983, c.298, s.6, eff. 8/8/1983.