Section 40:33B-5 - Powers of commissionThe commission has the power to:
a. Develop standards for the designation of any property, or improvement thereto, as an historic building;b. Designate any appropriate parcel of real property located in the county, or any improvement to that property, as an historic building and promulgate regulations concerning the preservation and use of that property or improvement, the environment or immediate surroundings thereof, and any real property adjacent thereto, subject to the provisions of the municipal master plan and planning and zoning ordinances;c. Acquire, in its name or the name of the county, fee simple or lesser interest in any historic building including, where necessary, any adjacent or associated real property, by purchase, bequest, donation or power of condemnation when the county governing body determines that the acquisition is in the public interest. The power of condemnation shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of the "Eminent Domain Act of 1971," P.L. 1971, c. 361 (C. 20:3-1 et seq.);d. Preserve and operate any historic buildings under its or the county's ownership and control;e. Sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any historic building under its or the county's ownership and control, subject to the right of public access and other covenants;f. Charge and collect fees and rentals for any historic building under its or the county's control, which fees and rentals shall be deposited with other public funds of the county;g. Designate certain days during which time the public is permitted, upon payment of a reasonable admission fee established by the commission, to visit any historic building which has come under its or the county's ownership on or subsequent to the effective date of this act. Leases and deeds concerning historic buildings owned by the county or commission shall provide for this easement. Admission fees shall be deposited with other public funds;h. Conduct surveys of real property situated within the county for the purposes of determining which parcels thereof may be designated historic buildings and gather pertinent facts concerning these buildings;i. Maintain, in collaboration with the county planning board, detailed records of historic buildings classified with respect to national, State or local significance, to period or field of interest, and other relevant categories, and maintain detailed records of improvements to and alterations of the buildings;j. Promote and conduct educational programs, publications and other activities relevant to the understanding and interpretation of the historic, aesthetic or cultural significance of historic buildings within the county;k. Cooperate with and advise the county planning board and any other appropriate county or municipal agency, authority, board or commission concerning the preservation of historic buildings;l. Submit recommendations to the county governing body concerning the adoption, repeal or amendment of regulations by the governing body, which regulations govern the preservation and use of historic buildings, the environment or immediate surroundings thereof, and any real property adjacent thereto;m. Cooperate with, advise and assist federal, State and local governmental entities, the county historical society and municipal historical societies, and similar private organizations involved in historic preservation, and enlist the aid of persons skilled or experienced in historical research and historic preservation for the purpose of furthering its own activities and those of public and private agencies with similar goals;n. Advise owners of historic buildings on problems of preservation;o. Contract with the State and federal governments or any agency, authority, board or commission of either or with any other public or private agency or organization, in the pursuance of its objectives; andp. Take any other action not inconsistent with the provisions of this act or any other law, rule or regulation, which action may be necessary or expedient to carrying out its duties and functions.