N.J. Stat. § 4:22A-9
Each person who gives a pet to a veterinarian or a pet cemetery for disposal purposes shall choose a method of disposal for the pet by completing a pet disposal form prescribed by the department under section 14 of this act. This form shall list alternative methods of disposal, the cost of each method and the nature of or place in which each method of disposal will be carried out. The veterinarian or the pet cemetery, as the case may be, shall give the person who completes the form a copy of the form. If the person chooses to have the pet disposed of by a pet cemetery and makes the arrangements therefor through a veterinarian, the veterinarian shall provide the person with the name, location and telephone number of the pet cemetery so that the person may obtain information about the pet cemetery pursuant to section 4 of this act. The veterinarian also shall ensure that a copy of the pet disposal form accompanies the pet when the pet is removed from the veterinarian's office.
N.J.S. § 4:22A-9