Section 4:22A-1 - DefinitionsAs used in this act:
a. "Department" means the Department of Health.b. "Disposal" or "dispose" means permanent interment or inurnment, above or below ground, cremation, mass incineration, communal burial, placement in a landfill, processing by a rendering facility or any other method of legal disposition.c. "Pet" means a member of the kingdom of living beings, commonly known as a domestic animal, that has the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor response to stimulation, yet is not human, and which has been adapted or tamed to live in intimate association with, and for the pleasure or advantage of, the human species, and includes, but is not limited to, dogs, cats, gerbils, fish, birds, snakes, turtles, lizards, frogs and rabbits.d. "Pet cemetery" means any land, place, structure, facility or building provided by any person, whether or not for profit, to veterinarians or members of the general public for use, or reservation for use, for the permanent interment or inurnment above or below ground of pet remains.e. "Disposal facility" means a facility, owned or operated by any person, whether or not for profit, that offers to dispose of deceased pets.