Section 4:14-2 - Membership and organizationThe membership of the county boards shall consist of all the members of the agricultural and horticultural associations of each county, and such others as they may elect:
a. In counties having no agricultural or horticultural associations any number of citizens not less than ten may organize a county board of agriculture by electing a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a board of not less than five directors, adopting the name of "the county board of agriculture" (inserting in each case the name of the proper county), and filing with the secretary of agriculture a certificate of such organization. Upon the formation of any agricultural or horticultural association in the county, they shall become members of such county board, as provided in paragraphs "b" and "c" of this section;b. In counties having but one agricultural or horticultural organization (whether known and designated as a "society," "club" or "grange"), such organization may become the county board of agriculture for such county by electing the officers and directors prescribed in paragraph "a" of this section, adopting the name of "the county board of agriculture" (inserting the name of the proper county) and filing with the secretary of agriculture a certificate of such organization;c. In counties having more than one agricultural or horticultural organization (whether known and designated as "societies," "clubs" or "granges"), such organizations, or so many of them (not less than two) as may elect so to do, may organize a county board of agriculture by electing a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a board of directors to consist of at least one member of each agricultural or horticultural organization of the county (that may elect to become members of such county board), adopting the name of "the county board of agriculture" (inserting in each case the name of the proper county), and filing with the secretary of agriculture a certificate of such organization;d. The president, secretary and treasurer of the county board of agriculture shall be ex-officio members of the board of directors of the board;e. Every certificate filed, as provided in this section, shall truly and correctly state--first, the name of the county board filing the same; second, the date of its organization under this section; third, the names of its officers and directors; fourth, the names of bona fide members in each organization represented in the county board at the date of organizing said board, and the names of such organizations.Amended by L.1946, c.108, p.333, s.1.