N.J. Stat. § 4:13-11
The members of any association, at any regular or special meeting or meetings called for the purpose upon not less than 20 days' notice of the time, place and object of the meeting or meetings first having been given as prescribed in the bylaws may by a vote of a majority of the members present and voting as such meeting or meetings vote to discontinue its operations and be dissolved in the manner hereinafter set forth. The resolution adopted at such meeting or meetings shall designate a committee of three members who shall act as trustees in dissolution and liquidate the assets, pay the debts and expenses and divide any of the remaining funds of the association among the members and patrons in accordance with the certificate of incorporation and the bylaws. Any vacancy on the committee of trustees in dissolution shall be filled by the remaining trustees from among the membership. Upon completion of dissolution proceedings a report thereof shall be signed by the committee or its successors and filed with the Secretary of Agriculture and a certificate thereof duly certified by the Secretary of Agriculture which the committee shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State for which the Secretary of State shall charge a filing fee of $10.00. Upon such filing such association shall be dissolved and cease to exist under this chapter. The resolution of the members may provide compensation for the services of the members of the committee.
In the case of an association which has adopted the delegate plan of voting, the vote to be taken as provided herein may be taken at a meeting of the delegates and the required vote shall be a majority of the delegates present and voting.
The Chancery Division of the Superior Court shall have full jurisdiction to hear in a summary manner any questions or litigation arising out of the proceedings of such dissolution.
N.J.S. § 4:13-11