Chapter 4:12A
- Section 4:12A-1 - Definitions
- Section 4:12A-2 - Milk Control Board; established; first members; term of office
- Section 4:12A-3 - Per diem and expenses
- Section 4:12A-4 - Director; deputy; counsel; clerical and other assistants
- Section 4:12A-5 - Chairman and recording secretary of board; quorum; meetings; seal
- Section 4:12A-6 - Principal office
- Section 4:12A-7 - General powers of board and director; orders; rules and regulations
- Section 4:12A-8 - Enforcement of act and rules and regulations
- Section 4:12A-9 - Appeals; hearing and determination by board; stay
- Section 4:12A-10 - Oaths; administering by board members; subpoenas; misconduct; false testimony
- Section 4:12A-11 - Place of hearings; technical rules of evidence
- Section 4:12A-12 - Review by Superior Court; bond
- Section 4:12A-13 - Rules of evidence and procedure; proceedings of director
- Section 4:12A-14 - Subpoenas; issuance by director
- Section 4:12A-15 - Oaths; power of director to administer
- Section 4:12A-16 - Refusal to obey subpoena or testify; contempt
- Section 4:12A-17 - Incriminating testimony; immunity
- Section 4:12A-18 - Service of subpoenas; fees and mileage
- Section 4:12A-19 - Investigations; powers of director
- Section 4:12A-20 - Rules, regulations and orders of director; promulgation; enforcement; service
- Section 4:12A-21 - Powers of director enumerated
- Section 4:12A-22 - Minimum prices; power of director to fix
- Section 4:12A-22.1 - Minimum prices; limits on power of director to fix
- Section 4:12A-22.2 - Prices dependent on size or type of container
- Section 4:12A-23 - Notice of hearing; order fixing prices; when effective
- Section 4:12A-24 - Mediation of controversies
- Section 4:12A-25 - Agreements with other agencies
- Section 4:12A-26 - Sales; rules and regulations
- Section 4:12A-27 - Inspection of premises; books and records; right of entry
- Section 4:12A-28 - Licenses; dealers; processors; subdealers; stores
- Section 4:12A-29 - Milk purchased for less than minimum price; prohibition against sale and distribution
- Section 4:12A-30 - Secret agreement for price reduction prohibited; exception
- Section 4:12A-31 - Blending proceeds of sales
- Section 4:12A-32 - Application for license; form; prerequisites
- Section 4:12A-33 - Application for license, time for making; contents; display of license
- Section 4:12A-34 - Refusal or suspension or revocation of license; notice of hearing
- Section 4:12A-35 - Refusal or suspension or revocation of license; grounds
- Section 4:12A-36 - Fees
- Section 4:12A-37 - Records
- Section 4:12A-38 - Reports of licensee
- Section 4:12A-39 - Violations of act; penalty; seizure and sale
- Section 4:12A-40 - Release of milk or proceeds of sale
- Section 4:12A-41 - Jurisdiction; enforcement
- Section 4:12A-43 - Informal hearings on violations; adjustments
- Section 4:12A-44 - Actions to restrain violations
- Section 4:12A-45 - Disposition of license fees, penalties, fines and costs
- Section 4:12A-46 - Continuation of former laws; pending suits continued
- Section 4:12A-47 - Licenses issued under prior laws continued
- Section 4:12A-48 - Grant of specific powers not to impair general powers
- Section 4:12A-49 - Declaration of legislative intent; action to restrain unlawful acts
- Section 4:12A-50 - Foreign or interstate commerce
- Section 4:12A-51 - Partial invalidity
- Section 4:12A-52 - Expiration date
- Section 4:12A-53 - "Distributor" defined
- Section 4:12A-54 - Examination of records to determine cost of distributing milk
- Section 4:12A-55 - Milk distributors to make records available; evidence, production of
- Section 4:12A-56 - Accountants, employment of
- Section 4:12A-57 - Penalty for distributor's failure to comply or interference
- Section 4:12A-58 - Effective date
- Section 4:12A-63 - Short title
- Section 4:12A-64 - Definitions
- Section 4:12A-65 - Milk container marks and identification; filing with secretary of agriculture
- Section 4:12A-66 - Wholesale purchasers; exemption
- Section 4:12A-67 - Offenses
- Section 4:12A-68 - Evidence of offenses
- Section 4:12A-69 - Penalties
- Section 4:12A-70 - Habitual offenders; injunction
- Section 4:12A-71 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:12A-72 - Reimbursement, federal Dairy Margin Coverage Program