N.J. Stat. § 4:11-24
When a verified complaint is filed with the secretary, as mentioned in section 4:11-23 of this title, with respect to any person applying for or holding a license, the secretary shall conduct a hearing thereon and shall furnish such person with a copy of the complaint and a notice of the time and place of hearing, which notice shall be served either personally or by registered mail directed to his place of business or last known residence address, with postage fully prepaid, at least ten days prior to the time fixed for hearing.
In the hearing of any complaint the secretary or assistant whom he may designate may sign and issue subpoenas, administer oaths, examine witnesses, take depositions, receive evidence and require by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of such accounts, records and memoranda as may be material for the determination of the matter alleged in the complaint.
The secretary or assistant whom he may designate shall render a decision either dismissing the complaint or specifying the facts which he deems established at the hearing.
N.J.S. § 4:11-24