N.J. Stat. § 4:11-19
A person before engaging in such business shall on or before November 1 of each year, file an application for a license with the secretary, on a form prescribed by him, and pay an application fee of $30.00 which shall not be returned if the license is not granted, for a license to transact such business.
The application shall state the nature of the business, the kinds of agricultural commodities which the applicant proposes to handle and if they be perishable agricultural commodities then the kinds of perishable agricultural commodities which the applicant proposes to handle, the full name of the person applying for the license, and if the applicant be a firm, association, partnership, or corporation, the full name of each member of the firm, partnership or association, or officers of the corporation, and the name of the business is to be conducted, and such other facts as the secretary shall the local agent of the person, firm, association, partnership or corporation, the municipality and street address, if any, or post-office address, where prescribe.
The applicant shall satisfy the secretary of his character, financial responsibility and good faith in seeking to engage in the business.
N.J.S. § 4:11-19