N.J. Stat. § 4:10-33
Any person who violates any provision of this act or the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto shall be liable to a penalty of not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00 for each offense.
Each day of violation shall be deemed a separate offense.
Penalties set forth in this act shall be sued for by and in the name of the secretary and shall be recoverable with costs. The Superior Court and municipal courts shall have jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this act or of any rule or regulation issued pursuant thereto. Any proceeding for a violation of this act may be brought in the municipality where the violator resides, has a place of business or principal office or where the act or omission or part thereof complained of occurred. The proceeding shall be summary in nature and in accordance with "the penalty enforcement law" (N.J.S. 2A:58-1 et seq.).
The secretary may institute an action in the Superior Court for injunctive relief to prevent and restrain any violation of this act or of any rules or regulations issued pursuant thereto.
N.J.S. § 4:10-33