N.J. Stat. § 39:3-6.1
As used in this act unless other meaning is clearly apparent from the language or context, or unless inconsistent with the manifest intention of the Legislature:
"Commercial vehicle" means any vehicle which is operated in interstate commerce and used for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation or profit, or designed or used primarily for the transportation of property.
"Jurisdiction" means and includes a State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a foreign country and a state or province of a foreign country.
"Properly registered," as applied to place of registration, means:
In case of doubt or dispute as to the proper place of registration of a vehicle, the division shall make the final determination, but in making such determination, the division may confer with departments of the other jurisdictions affected.
"Fleet" means one or more commercial vehicles.
The words "division," "motor vehicle," "person," "vehicle," and "owner" shall each have the meanings ascribed to them respectively by R.S. 39:1-1.
The director shall promulgate regulations, after public hearing, establishing definitions of other words and terms as may be necessary for the administration of this act.
N.J.S. § 39:3-6.1