N.J. Stat. § 34:1B-375
As used in sections 1 through 9 of P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-374 through C.34:1B-382):
"Assignment agreement" means an agreement in which a participating municipality assigns a C-PACE assessment to a capital provider, its designee, successor or assign.
"Authority" means the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.
"Authorized municipality" means a municipality with a population that, as of the launch date, is in the top third of municipalities in the State in terms of population, according to the most recent American Community Survey published by the United States Census Bureau.
"Capital provider" means:
an accredited investor or qualified institutional buyer as defined respectively in Regulation D, Rule 501 (17 C.F.R. 230.501 through 230.508) or Rule 144A (17 C.F.R. 230.144A) of the federal "Securities Act of 1933" (15 U.S.C. s. 77a et seq.), as amended;
the trustee or custodian of a trust or custody arrangement which provides that each beneficial owner of interests shall be an accredited investor or qualified institutional buyer;
a public entity;
a special purpose securitization vehicle for the sale and transfer of securities, which is restricted to those persons described in subsection a. or b. of this definition; or
a commercial lending institution chartered by a state or the federal government, including, without limitation, a savings and loan association, a credit union, or a commercial bank.
"C-PACE" means commercial property assessed clean energy.
"C-PACE assessment" means a local improvement assessment, in accordance with chapter 56 of Title 40 of the Revised Statutes, imposed by a participating municipality on a property, with the consent of the owner of the property, and determined based upon either the existing use of a property or the contemplated use of unimproved property upon completion of new construction, as a means of securing financing provided pursuant to section 9 of P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-382) to finance a C-PACE project at the property, payments in respect of which assessment are collected by the participating municipality and remitted to the entity that provided the financing or its designee.
"C-PACE assessment agreement" means an agreement between a participating municipality and a property owner in which the property owner agrees to the imposition of a C-PACE assessment on the property benefited by a C-PACE project within the municipality, and in which the participating municipality agrees to levy, bill, collect, remit, and, to the extent necessary, enforce the C-PACE assessment.
"C-PACE project" means:
the acquisition, construction, installation, modification, or, in the discretion of the authority and in accordance with guidelines adopted by the authority, entry into a capital lease of an energy efficiency improvement or renewable energy system including energy storage, microgrid, water conservation improvement, stormwater management system, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, flood resistant construction improvement, or hurricane resistant construction improvement, in each case affixed to a property, including new construction upon previously unimproved real property, within a participating municipality, provided that, on the basis of supplemental program guidelines to be published by the authority within 90 days following the launch date, a qualified professional attests that such new construction exceeds the minimum standards of the local and State building codes otherwise applicable to the property;
at the discretion of, and in accordance with guidelines adopted by, the authority, a microgrid or district heating and cooling system in which a property owner within the municipality participates for the duration of the C-PACE assessment; or
at the discretion of, and in accordance with guidelines adopted by, the authority, a power purchase agreement with respect to a renewable energy system affixed to a property.
"Direct financing" means financing for a C-PACE project pursuant to a financing agreement entered into between a capital provider and a property owner.
"Electric vehicle charging infrastructure" means equipment designed to deliver electric energy to a battery electric vehicle or a plug-in hybrid vehicle.
"Energy efficiency improvement" means an improvement to reduce energy consumption through conservation or a more efficient use of electricity, natural gas, propane, or other forms of energy, including, but not limited to: air sealing; installation of insulation; installation of energy-efficient electrical, heating, cooling, or ventilation systems; building modifications to increase the use of daylight; energy efficient windows, doors, and glass; installation of energy or water controls or energy recovery systems; and installation of efficient lighting equipment.
"Finance" or "financing" means the investing of capital in accordance with section 9 of P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-382), including, on the basis of supplemental program guidelines to be published by the authority within 90 days following the launch date, the refinancing of an investment in an existing C-PACE project.
"Flood resistant construction improvement" means an improvement that mitigates the likelihood of flood damage, including, but not limited to, the installation of break-away walls and building elevation alterations.
"Garden State C-PACE program" means the program established by the authority pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-377 and C.34:1B-378).
"Garden State program agreement" means an agreement between the authority and a participating municipality defining:
the obligations of a municipality to participate in the Garden State C-PACE program, including the requirement that the participating municipality levy, bill, collect, remit, and enforce a C-PACE assessment; and
the obligations, if any, that the authority may undertake (1) with respect to the remittance of C-PACE assessments to capital providers if the remittance is authorized by regulations adopted by the Local Finance Board pursuant to section 38 of P.L. 2000, c. 126 (C.52:27D-20.1) and requested by the participating municipality, and (2) to review and approve the participation of individual capital providers or financings in the Garden State C-PACE program.
"Hurricane resistant construction improvement" means an improvement that enables a component of a structure to be in compliance with the standards for a "wind-borne debris region" adopted pursuant to the "State Uniform Construction Code Act," P.L.1975, c.217 (C.52:27D-119 et seq.), or into compliance with a successor standard under that code.
"Launch date" means the date upon which the authority has taken all of the actions specified in subsection c. of section 5 of P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-378), other than any actions that are expressly required by P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-374 et al.) to be taken within 90 days following the launch date.
"Local C-PACE program" means a program established by an authorized municipality or a county pursuant to section 6 of P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-379).
"Local C-PACE program ordinance" means an ordinance adopted by an authorized municipality or a county, and approved by the authority pursuant to section 7 of P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-380), to establish a program within its jurisdiction pursuant to subsection b. of section 5 and subsection a. of section 6 of P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-378 and C.34:1B-379).
"Microgrid" means a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the electric distribution system and that connects and disconnects from the electric distribution system to enable it to operate when both connected to, or independent of, the electric distribution system.
"Notice of assessment" means the document filed with the county recording officer in the county in which a property is located, which notifies prospective holders of an interest in the property that a C-PACE assessment lien has been placed on the property.
"Opt-in ordinance" means an ordinance adopted by a municipality by which it authorizes its participation in the Garden State C-PACE program and authorizes the municipality to enter into a Garden State program agreement with the authority.
"Participating municipality" means:
a municipality that adopts an opt-in ordinance and executes a Garden State program agreement; or
an authorized municipality that adopts an opt-in ordinance, executes a Garden State program agreement, and adopts a local C-PACE program ordinance and local C-PACE program guidelines approved by the authority.
"Private entity" means a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, trust, or any other form of private organization, including but not limited to a "related competitive business segment of a public utility holding company," or a "related competitive business segment of an electric public utility or gas public utility," as those terms are defined in section 3 of P.L. 1999, c. 23 (C.48:3-51), so long as the organization is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Utilities.
"Program guidelines" means:
any program-related rules or documents, or both, prepared and published by the authority that apply to the Garden State C-PACE program; or
any program-related rules or documents, or both, prepared and published by an authorized municipality or a county, and approved by the authority, that apply to local C-PACE programs pursuant to paragraph (3) of subsection b. of section 6 of P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-379).
"Project costs" means costs associated with a C-PACE project and shall include: direct costs, including but not limited to, equipment, materials, and labor related to the purchasing, constructing, installing, modifying, or acquiring a C-PACE project; indirect costs, including, but not limited to, expenses and fees of engineers, architects, and other professionals, inspection fees and permits, warranties and pre-paid maintenance contracts; program fees; and financing costs of a capital provider, including, but not limited to, origination fees, prepaid interest and payment reserves, closing costs, counsel fees, trustee or custodian fees, recording fees, and other financing charges, except that the authority may implement an alternative definition of "project costs" in its program guidelines in connection with the financing of new construction.
"Property" means industrial, agricultural, or commercial property; residential property containing five or more dwelling units; common areas of condominiums and other planned real estate developments as defined in section 3 of P.L.1977, c.419 (C.45:22A-23); and property owned by a tax-exempt or nonprofit entity, including, but not limited to, schools, hospitals, institutions of higher education, or religious institutions, within a participating municipality upon which a C-PACE assessment is imposed at the request of a property owner in connection with a C-PACE project.
"Property owner" means an owner of a property within a participating municipality who consents to a C-PACE assessment being imposed on the property.
"Renewable energy system" means an improvement by which electrical, mechanical, or thermal energy is produced from a method that uses one or more of the following fuels or energy sources: hydrogen, solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass, or wind energy, together with the other fuels and energy sources that the authority, after consultation with the Board of Public Utilities, may determine pursuant to program guidelines prepared and published pursuant to subsection c. of section 5 of P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-378).
"Solar renewable energy certificate" means the same as defined in section 3 of P.L. 1999, c. 23 (C.48:3-51).
"Stormwater management system" means the same as defined in section 3 of P.L. 2019, c. 42 (C.40A:26B-3).
"Transition renewable energy certificate" means a certificate issued by the Board of Public Utilities or its designee, under the solar energy transition incentive program, which is designed to transition between the solar renewable energy certificate program and a solar successor incentive program to be developed by the Board of Public Utilities pursuant to P.L. 2018, c. 17 (C.48:3-87.8 et al.).
"Uniform assessment documents" means a uniform C-PACE assessment agreement, assignment agreement, and notice of assessment, a model lender consent to a C-PACE assessment pursuant to section 5 of P.L. 2021, c. 201 (C.34:1B-378), and any other uniform or model documents prepared by the authority and used in the Garden State C-PACE program and local C-PACE programs, except that the authority shall not mandate a uniform financing agreement, which shall be supplied by the capital provider for direct financing.
"Water conservation improvement" means an improvement that reduces water consumption, increases the efficiency of water use, or reduces water loss.
N.J.S. § 34:1B-375