Section 34:1B-297 - Criteria for qualified venture firma. The authority shall certify or refuse to certify a venture firm as a qualified venture firm based on the criteria for certification set forth in section 28 of P.L. 2020, c. 156(C.34:1B-296), and subsections b. and c. of this section.b. The authority shall not certify a venture firm as a qualified venture firm if the venture firm has: (1) an equity capitalization, net assets, or written commitments of less than $10,000,000 in the form of cash or cash equivalents on the date the determination for certification is made; or (2) fewer than two principals or persons employed to direct the qualified investment of capital with at least five years of money management experience in the venture capital or private equity sectors on the date the determination for certification is made. The authority may adopt, pursuant to the provisions of the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L. 1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), rules setting forth additional disqualifying criteria and adjusting the minimum equity capitalization, net assets, or written commitments of a qualified venture firm.c. Prior to certifying a venture firm as a qualified venture firm, the authority shall confirm with the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Department of the Treasury whether the venture firm is in substantial good standing with the respective department, or has entered into an agreement with the respective department that includes a practical corrective action plan for the venture firm. The authority may also contract with an independent third party to perform a background check on the venture firm.d. The authority shall provide written notification to each venture firm that is certified as a qualified venture firm by the authority and shall provide written notification to each venture firm that the authority refuses to certify as a qualified venture firm, communicating in detail the grounds for the authority's refusal. The authority shall review each qualified venture firm annually for the disqualifying criteria set forth in subsection b. of this section or other reasonable industry-accepted standards as determined by the authority. The authority may decertify a qualified venture firm at any time pursuant to the disqualifying criteria set forth in subsection b. of this section. Decertification shall not affect any previously made qualified investment or the fund's commitment to make a follow-on investment in a qualified business.Amended by L. 2021, c. 160, s. 12, eff. 7/2/2021.Added by L. 2020, c. 156, s. 29, eff. 1/7/2021.