Section 34:15C-1 - DefinitionsAs used in this act:
a. "At-risk youth" means a teenage high school dropout or a teenage parent or other teenager whose pattern of behavior is likely to result in becoming a high school dropout.b. "Commission" means the State Employment and Training Commission established pursuant to section 5 of this act.c. "Federal job training funds" means any moneys expended pursuant to the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Pub.L. 105-220(29 U.S.C. s. 2801 et seq.) or any other federal law to obtain employment and training services or other employment-directed and workforce development programs and activities, including employment and training services as defined in section 1 of P.L. 1992, c.48 (C.34:15B-35) and employment-directed and workforce development programs and activities as described in sections 2 and 4 of P.L. 2004, c. 39(C.34:1A-1.3 and 34:1A-1.5).d. "Labor demand occupation" means an occupation which:(1) The Center for Occupational Employment Information has, pursuant to subsection d. of section 27 of P.L. 2005, c. 354(C.34:1A-86), determined is or will be, on a regional basis, subject to a significant excess of demand over supply for trained workers, based on a comparison of the total need or anticipated need for trained workers with the total number being trained; or(2) The Center for Occupational Employment Information, in conjunction with a Workforce Investment Board, has, pursuant to subsection d. of section 27 of P.L. 2005, c. 354(C.34:1A-86), determined is or will be, in the region for which the board is responsible, subject to a significant excess of demand over supply for adequately trained workers, based on a comparison of total need or anticipated need for trained workers with the total number being trained.e. "Owner" of a qualifying school means any person who acts as the proprietor of a qualifying school, including any individual who has an ownership interest of five percent or more in the qualifying school.f.(1) "Qualifying school" means, except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection f., a government unit, person, association, firm, corporation, private organization, or any entity doing business or maintaining facilities within the State, whether operating on a for profit or not for profit basis, which:(a) Offers or maintains a course of instruction or instructional program utilized to prepare individuals for future education or the workplace, including instruction in literacy or basic skills, or provides supplemental instruction in recognized occupational skills, pre-employment skills or literacy skills;(b) Offers instruction by any method including, but not limited to, classroom, shop, laboratory experience, correspondence, Internet and other distance learning media, or any combination thereof;(c) Offers instruction to the general public or in conjunction with New Jersey's workforce investment system; and(d) Charges tuition or other fees or costs, or receives public funding for the delivery of any of the above types of instruction.(2) "Qualifying school" does not mean: (a) Colleges and universities licensed by the Commission on Higher Education or other schools, institutions and entities, including public or private schools below college level, which are regulated and approved pursuant to any law of this State other than this 2005 amendatory and supplementary act;(b) Employers offering instruction to their employees directly or through a contract instructor, where there is no cost to the employee and no profit to the employer; or(c) Schools offering instruction which is avocational, cultural or recreational in nature.g. "Service provider," "training provider" or "provider" means a provider of employment and training services including, but not limited to, a private or public school or institution of higher education, a business, a labor organization or a community-based organization.h. "State job training funds" means any moneys expended from the Workforce Development Partnership Fund created pursuant to section 9 of P.L. 1992, c.43 (C.34:15D-9), the Supplemental Workforce Fund for Basic Skills established pursuant to section 1 of P.L. 2001, c. 152(C.34:15D-21) or any other source of State moneys to obtain employment and training services or other employment-directed and workforce development programs and activities, including employment and training services as defined in section 3 of P.L. 1992, c.43 (C.34:15D-3) and employment-directed and workforce development programs and activities as described in sections 2 and 4 of P.L. 2004, c. 39(C.34:1A-1.3 and 34:1A-1.5).i. "Workforce Investment Board" means a board established pursuant to the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Pub.L. 105-220(29 U.S.C. s. 2801 et seq.).j. "Workforce investment programs" means programs and services that are State or federally funded and designed to develop, improve, or maintain the productivity and earning power of workers and job seekers, including employment and training services, as defined in section 1 of P.L. 1992, c.48 (C.34:15B-35) and section 3 of P.L. 1992, c.43 (C.34:15D-3), and including employment-directed and workforce development programs and activities as described in sections 2 and 4 of P.L. 2004, c. 39(C.34:1A-1.3 and 34:1A-1.5).k. "Workforce investment services" means core, intensive, and training services as defined by the "Workforce Investment Act of 1998," Pub.L. 105-220(29 U.S.C. s. 2801 et seq.).Amended by L. 2005, c. 354, s. 6, eff. 1/12/2006.