Section 32:11D-19 - General powersThe commission may:
(a) Plan, design, acquire, construct, reconstruct, complete, own, improve, extend, develop, operate and maintain any and all projects, facilities, properties, activities and services, determined by the commission to be necessary, convenient or useful for the purposes of this compact;(b) Establish standards of planning, design and operation of all projects and facilities in the basin which affect its water resources, including without limitation thereto water and waste treatment plants, stream and lake recreational facilities, trunk mains for water distribution, local flood protection works, small watershed management programs, and ground water recharging operations;(c) Conduct and sponsor research on water resources, their planning, use, conservation, management, development, control and protection, and the capacity, adaptability and best utility of each facility thereof, and collect, compile, correlate, analyze, report and interpret data on water resources and uses in the basin, including without limitation thereto the relation of water to other resources, industrial water technology, ground water movement, relation between water price and water demand, and general hydrological conditions;(d) Compile and co-ordinate systematic stream stage and ground water level forecasting data, and publicize such information when and as needed for water uses, flood warning, quality maintenance or other purposes;(e) Conduct such special ground water investigations, tests, and operations and compile such data relating thereto as may be required to formulate and administer the comprehensive plan;(f) Prepare, publish and disseminate information and reports with respect to the water problems of the basin and for the presentation of the needs, resources and policies of the basin to executive and legislative branches of the signatory parties;(g) Negotiate for such loans, grants, services or other aids as may be lawfully available from public or private sources to finance or assist in effectuating any of the purposes of this compact; and to receive and accept such aid upon such terms and conditions, and subject to such provisions for repayment as may be required by Federal or State law or as the commission may deem necessary or desirable;(h) Exercise such other and different powers as may be delegated to it by this compact or otherwise pursuant to law, and have and exercise all powers necessary or convenient to carry out its express powers or which may be reasonably implied therefrom.L.1961, c.13, p.53, s.3.6.