N.J. Stat. § 32:1-94
In partial effectuation of the comprehensive plan for the development of the port of New York, adopted by the states of New Jersey and New York by chapter nine, Laws of New Jersey, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, and chapter forty-three, Laws of New York, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, which was consented to and which the Port of New York Authority was authorized and empowered to carry out and effectuate by the congress of the United States by public resolution number sixty-six, sixty-seventh congress, house joint resolution three hundred and thirty-seven, and of the port compact or treaty between the two states dated April thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, authorized and approved by chapter one hundred and fifty-one, Laws of New Jersey, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, and chapter one hundred and fifty-four, Laws of New York, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, and consented to by the congress of the United States by public resolution number seventeen, sixty-seventh congress, senate joint resolution eighty-eight, the Port of New York Authority (hereinafter called the port authority) is authorized and empowered to construct, operate, maintain and own a bridge, with the necessary approaches across the Kill von Kull from Bayonne on the New Jersey side to Staten Island on the New York side.
N.J.S. § 32:1-94