Section 30:4E-9 - Servicesa. Individuals served by the Home Care Expansion Program shall receive a comprehensive assessment of the need for long-term home care services. A case manager shall develop a plan of care. In addition, the case manager shall provide ongoing monitoring of the individual's situation, services and cost of care.b. The program shall consist of the following services: home health care, medical day care, non-emergency medical transportation, case management, social adult day care, homemaker care and respite care. The commissioner may expand the scope of services by regulation.c. The commissioner shall determine that the services to be provided are medically necessary and will assist in avoiding institutionalization.d. The cost of care for each individual shall be limited to an annual amount that is based on a percentage of the cost of nursing home care. The payment for services received by an eligible person under this act shall not exceed a percentage, as established by the commissioner, of the payment for the comparable level of care that the person would receive in a skilled nursing home or intermediate care facility under the Medicaid program pursuant to P.L. 1968, c. 413 (C. 30:4D-1 et seq.).e. Eligible persons shall share in the cost of services, depending on the amount of their monthly income, in accordance with standards and criteria prescribed by the commissioner.