N.J. Stat. § 2C:35-23.1

Current through L. 2024, c. 40.
Section 2C:35-23.1 - Prosecutor shall not pursue certain charges
a. Except to the extent required to dismiss, withdraw, or terminate the charge, no prosecutor shall pursue any charge, including any charge of delinquency, based on crimes or offenses pending with a court on the first day of the fifth month next following the effective date of P.L. 2021, c. 16(C.24:6I-31 et al.) that occurred prior to that effective date, involving manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing, or possessing or having under control with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense, marijuana or hashish in violation of paragraph (12) of subsection b. of N.J.S. 2C:35-5, or obtaining, possessing, using, being under the influence of, or failing to make lawful disposition of marijuana or hashish in violation of paragraph (3) or (4) of subsection a., or subsection b., or subsection c. of N.J.S. 2C:35-10, or a violation involving marijuana or hashish as described herein and a violation of N.J.S. 2C:36-2 for using or possessing with intent to use drug paraphernalia with that marijuana or hashish, alone or in combination with each other, or a violation involving marijuana or hashish and a violation of section 1 of P.L. 1964, c.289 (C.39:4-49.1) for possession of a controlled dangerous substance while operating a motor vehicle, alone or in combination with each other, or any disorderly persons offense or petty disorderly persons offense subject to conditional discharge pursuant to N.J.S. 2C:36A-1. These non-prosecutable charges and cases shall be expeditiously dismissed, which may be accomplished by appropriate action by the prosecutor based upon guidelines issued by the Attorney General, or the court's own motion based upon administrative directives issued by the Administrative Director of the Courts.
(1) On the first day of the fifth month next following the effective date of P.L. 2021, c. 16(C.24:6I-31 et al.), any guilty verdict, plea, placement in a diversionary program, or other entry of guilt on a matter that was entered prior to that effective date, but the judgment of conviction or final disposition on the matter was not entered prior to that date, and the guilty verdict, plea, placement in a diversionary program, or other entry of guilt solely involved one or more crimes or offenses, or delinquent acts which if committed by an adult would constitute one or more crimes or offenses, enumerated in subsection a. of this section, that guilty verdict, plea, placement in a diversionary program, or other entry of guilt shall be vacated by operation of law. The Administrative Director of the Courts, in consultation with the Attorney General, may take any administrative action as may be necessary to vacate the guilty verdict, plea, placement in a diversionary program, or other entry of guilt.
(2) On the first day of the fifth month next following the effective date of P.L. 2021, c. 16(C.24:6I-31 et al.), any conviction, remaining sentence, ongoing supervision, or unpaid court-ordered financial assessment as defined in section 8 of P.L. 2017, c. 244(C.2C:52-23.1) of any person who, on that effective date, is or will be serving a sentence of incarceration, probation, parole or other form of community supervision as a result of the person's conviction or adjudication of delinquency solely for one or more crimes or offenses, or delinquent acts which if committed by an adult would constitute one or more crimes or offenses, enumerated in subsection a. of this section, shall have the conviction, remaining sentence, ongoing supervision, or unpaid court-ordered financial assessment vacated by operation of law. The Administrative Director of the Courts, in consultation with the Attorney General, may take any administrative action as may be necessary to vacate the conviction, remaining sentence, ongoing supervision, or unpaid court-ordered financial assessment.

N.J.S. § 2C:35-23.1

Amended by L. 2021, c. 19,s. 4, eff. 2/22/2021.
Added by L. 2021, c. 16,s. 59, eff. 2/22/2021.