N.J. Stat. § 26:2K-66
As used in P.L. 2017, c. 116(C.26:2K-66 et seq.):
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Health.
"Department" means the Department of Health.
"Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council" means the Emergency Medical Services Council constituted in the department as of the effective date of P.L. 2017, c. 116(C.26:2K-66 et seq.), which serves as the main emergency medical services advisory council to the commissioner and the Office of Emergency Medical Services, makes recommendations and advises on emergency medical services in New Jersey, monitors legislative developments at all levels and in other states, and supports Statewide public information and education for consumers regarding emergency medical services.
"Emergency Medical Services Task Force" means the Emergency Medical Services Task Force constituted in the department as of the effective date of P.L. 2017, c. 116(C.26:2K-66 et seq.).
"Emergency medical services dispatch center" means any communications center which provides services in connection with the coordination of requests for emergency medical services, including, but not limited to, call intake, call processing, emergency medical dispatch, call triage, unit assignment, and dispatch and tracking of any emergency medical services provider or other first responder.
"Emergency medical services provider" means any association, organization, company, department, agency, service, program, unit, or other entity that provides pre-hospital emergency medical care to patients in this State, including, but not limited to, a basic life support ambulance service, a mobile intensive care unit, an air medical service, or a volunteer or non-volunteer first aid, rescue, and ambulance squad.
"First responder" means a police officer, firefighter, or other person who has been trained to provide emergency medical first response services in a program recognized by the commissioner.
"Opioid antidote" means naloxone hydrochloride, or any other similarly acting drug approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of an opioid overdose.
"Pre-hospital emergency medical care" means the provision of emergency medical care or transportation by trained and certified or licensed emergency medical services personnel at the scene of an emergency and while transporting sick or injured persons to a medical care facility or provider.
N.J.S. § 26:2K-66