Section 26:2H-161 - Collection, analysis of dataa. The Department of Children and Families shall collect and analyze data about the newborn home nurse visitation program established pursuant to P.L. 2021, c. 187(C.26:2H-158 et al.). The data shall be used to evaluate, measure, and improve the effectiveness of the program in achieving its purpose of supporting healthy child development and strengthening families.b. The Department of Children and Families shall work with other State departments and agencies, health insurance carriers that offer health benefit plans in the State, hospitals and birthing facilities, local public health authorities, maternal child health consortia, early childhood home visitation programs, community-based organizations, and social service providers, to develop protocols concerning the timely sharing of data collected pursuant to subsection a. of this section, including the sharing of data with the primary care providers of parents participating in the newborn home nurse visitation program.c. The Department of Children and Families may contract with a third-party vendor with expertise in the model utilized by the program to assist with the analysis and evaluation of data collected pursuant to this section. In the event of such a contract, the department shall facilitate the sharing of data with the third party, in accordance with State and federal law.Added by L. 2021, c. 187, s. 4, eff. 7/29/2021.