N.J. Stat. § 24:6I-7
An applicant for a medical cannabis dispensary permit that receives significant financial or technical assistance or the significant use of intellectual property under this subsubparagraph shall pay back to the investor, investor group, or fund the full value of the financial or technical assistance or intellectual property provided under the agreement, plus any applicable interest and fees, in a period not less than five years after the date of the agreement if the full value of the assistance or property is less than $100,000, in a period not less than seven years after the date of the agreement if the full value of the assistance or property is between $100,001 and $250,000, in a period not less than 10 years after the date of agreement if the full value of the assistance or property is between $250,001 and $500,000, and, subject to any terms and conditions imposed by a lender, in a period not less than 10 years after the date of the agreement if the full value of the assistance or property is greater than $500,000. An investor, investor group, or fund that has acquired an ownership interest in one or more entities that have been issued a medical cannabis dispensary permit as authorized under this subsubparagraph may maintain the ownership interest after the date the full value of the financial or technical assistance or use of intellectual property provided under the agreement, plus interest and fees, has been repaid by the applicant that received the assistance or use of intellectual property.
In no case may the controlling interest in the entity that holds a medical cannabis dispensary permit in which an investor, investor group, or fund owns an interest as authorized under this subsubparagraph revert to the investor, investor group, or fund in the event of a default or failure by the certified minority or women's business or disabled-veterans' business, as applicable, and any such controlling interest may only be transferred to a certified minority or women's business or a disabled-veterans' business.
An entity issued a medical cannabis cultivator, medical cannabis manufacturer, or medical cannabis dispensary permit, or an individual associated with the ownership or management of such entity, may invest in or participate in an investor group or a fund that meets the requirements of this subsubparagraph with respect to a Class 5 cannabis retailer license or an alternative treatment center permit.
As used in this subparagraph, "bona fide labor organization" means a labor organization of any kind or employee representation committee, group, or association, in which employees participate and which exists and is constituted for the purpose, in whole or in part, of collective bargaining or otherwise dealing with medical or personal use cannabis employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, terms or conditions of employment, including wages and rates of pay, or other mutual aid or protection in connection with employment, and may be characterized by: it being a party to one or more executed collective bargaining agreements with medical or personal use cannabis employers, in this State or another state; it having a written constitution or bylaws in the three immediately preceding years; it filing the annual financial report required of labor organizations pursuant to subsection (b) of 29 U.S.C. s.431, or it having at least one audited financial report in the three immediately preceding years; it being affiliated with any regional or national association of unions, including but not limited to state and federal labor councils; or it being a member of a national labor organization that has at least 500 general members in a majority of the 50 states of the United States.
Any individual seeking to become a director, officer, or employee of a medical cannabis cultivator, medical cannabis manufacturer, medical cannabis dispensary, or clinical registrant, after issuance of an initial permit shall notify the commission and shall complete a criminal history record background check and provide all information as may be required by the commission as a condition of assuming a position as director, officer, or employee of the permitted entity. An individual who secures an investment interest or gains the authority to make controlling decisions in a permitted entity that makes the individual a significantly involved person shall notify the commission, complete a criminal history record background check, and provide all information as may be required by the commission no later than 30 days after the date the individual becomes a significantly involved person, or any permit issued to the individual or group of which the significantly involved person is a member shall be revoked and the individual or group shall be deemed ineligible to hold any ownership or investment interest in a medical cannabis cultivator, medical cannabis manufacturer, medical cannabis dispensary, or clinical registrant for a period of at least two years, commencing from the date of revocation, and for such additional period of time as the commission deems appropriate, based on the duration of the nondisclosure, the size of the individual's or group's investment interest in the permitted entity, the amount of profits, revenue, or income realized by the individual or group from the permitted entity during the period of nondisclosure, and whether the individual had a disqualifying conviction or would otherwise have been deemed ineligible to be a significantly involved person in a medical cannabis cultivator, medical cannabis manufacturer, medical cannabis dispensary, or clinical registrant.
For purposes of this section, the term "applicant" shall include any owner, director, officer, or employee of, and any significantly involved person in, a medical cannabis cultivator, medical cannabis manufacturer, medical cannabis dispensary, or clinical registrant. The commission is authorized to exchange fingerprint data with and receive criminal history record background information from the Division of State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation consistent with the provisions of applicable State and federal laws, rules, and regulations. The Division of State Police shall forward criminal history record background information to the commission in a timely manner when requested pursuant to the provisions of this section.
An applicant who is required to undergo a criminal history record background check pursuant to this section shall submit to being fingerprinted in accordance with applicable State and federal laws, rules, and regulations. No check of criminal history record background information shall be performed pursuant to this section unless the applicant has furnished the applicant's written consent to that check. An applicant who is required to undergo a criminal history record background check pursuant to this section who refuses to consent to, or cooperate in, the securing of a check of criminal history record background information shall not be considered for a permit to operate, or authorization to be employed at or to be a significantly involved person in, a medical cannabis cultivator, medical cannabis manufacturer, medical cannabis dispensary, or clinical registrant. An applicant shall bear the cost for the criminal history record background check, including all costs of administering and processing the check.
If the applicant is disqualified because of a disqualifying conviction pursuant to the provisions of this section, the conviction that constitutes the basis for the disqualification shall be identified in the written notice.
N.J.S. § 24:6I-7