N.J. Stat. § 19:13-12
Any judge of the Superior Court, in the case of candidates to be voted for by the electors of the entire State or of more than one county thereof, and in all other cases a judge of the Superior Court assigned to the county in which any petition of nomination shall be filed, on the application or complaint, duly verified, of any candidate, which application or complaint shall be made on or before the twelfth day after the last day for the filing of petitions, setting forth any invasion or threatened invasion of his rights under the petition of nomination filed with the Secretary of State or with any county clerk, shall hear such application or complaint in a summary way and make such order thereon as will protect and enforce the rights of such candidates, which order or determination shall be filed within three days after the filing of the application or complaint.
Notwithstanding the above provision, in the case of a nomination petition or petitions for electors of candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, which candidates have not been nominated at a convention of a political party as defined by this Title, any judge of the Superior Court, on the application or complaint, duly verified, of any candidate, which application or complaint shall be made at least 95 days before the general election, setting forth any invasion or threatened invasion of his or her rights under the petition of nomination filed with the Secretary of State, shall hear such application or complaint in a summary way and make such order thereon as will protect and enforce the rights of such candidates, which order or determination shall be filed within three days after the filing of the application or complaint.
N.J.S. § 19:13-12