Section 18A:65-103 - New Jersey Climate Change Resource Centera. There is established the New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center, hereinafter referred to as the center, at Rutgers, The State University. The purpose of the center shall be to carry out collaborative and interdisciplinary research, analysis, and outreach activities that will help New Jersey adapt, mitigate, and prepare for climate change.b. The center shall conduct research with a mission to create and support the use of impartial and actionable science to advance government, public, private, and nongovernmental sector efforts to adapt to, and mitigate, a changing climate. The center's research, analysis, and outreach activities shall include, but need not be limited to: (1) conducting a Statewide climate change vulnerability assessment to identify populations, built and natural assets, and communities that are most vulnerable to a changing climate;(2) facilitating and coordinating, to the greatest extent possible, among New Jersey academic institutions collaborative applied research, development of educational programs, and Statewide integration of research findings into adaptation, mitigation, and resilience efforts;(3) forming partnerships with practitioners in key economic sectors that are particularly vulnerable to climate change, including agriculture, public health, water resources, and the built and natural environment, and with representatives from sectors that are significant sources of emissions contributing to climate change, including energy, transportation, and water;(4) undertaking actionable science that informs planning and policy-making at the local, State, and regional levels;(5) developing and delivering technical guidance to practitioners to enhance adaptation, mitigation, and resilience in the public, private, and nongovernmental sectors;(6) undertaking pilot projects that can be replicable throughout the State and that demonstrate effective mitigation strategies or reduce the risks facing populations most vulnerable to climate change; and(7) enhancing the State's capacity to address climate risks and impacts through outreach training, engagement, and education of policymakers, practitioners, the media, and other key stakeholders.c. The center shall consult with the Department of Environmental Protection when developing its agenda in order to facilitate coordination and resource sharing between the center, the department, and other entities with respect to those entities' work on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and preparation.d. Within two years after the effective date of this section, the center shall provide a report to the Legislature, pursuant to section 2 of P.L. 1991, c.164 (C.52:14-19.1), summarizing its research and activities and identifying priorities for the next five years, including any additional resource needs.Added by L. 2019, c. 442, s. 1, eff. 1/21/2020.