Section 18A:61E-7 - Campus Sexual Assault Commissiona. There is established a Campus Sexual Assault Commission in, but not of, the Department of State. The commission shall consist of 12 members including: (1) the Secretary of Higher Education, the Attorney General, and the Director of the Division on Women in the Department of Children and Families, or their designees, who shall serve ex officio;(2) five public members appointed by the Governor, including a representative of the State colleges and universities established pursuant to chapter 64 of Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes, a representative of the public research universities, a representative of the county colleges, a representative of the independent colleges and universities, and a representative of the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault; and(3) four public members with demonstrated research or practitioner experience in issues related to campus sexual violence, including at least one student who is currently involved in campus sexual assault education or advocacy. The President of the Senate, the Speaker of the General Assembly, the Minority Leader of the Senate, and the Minority Leader of the General Assembly shall each appoint one of these public members.b. The public members shall serve for a term of three years, but of the members first appointed: three of the members appointed by the Governor shall serve for a term of three years; one of the members appointed by the Governor, the member appointed by the President of the Senate, and the member appointed by the Speaker of the General Assembly shall serve for a term of two years; and one of the members appointed by the Governor, the member appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate, and the member appointed by the Minority Leader of the General Assembly shall serve for a term of one year.c. Vacancies in the membership of the commission shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments are made and a member may be eligible for reappointment. Vacancies occurring other than by expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term.d. The members of the commission shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties within the limits of funds appropriated or otherwise made available to the commission for its purposes.Amended by L. 2020, c. 104,s. 1, eff. 10/19/2020.Added by L. 2019, c. 299,s. 1, eff. 1/13/2020.