Section 18A:3B-94 - Approval as eligible transfer institutiona. The Secretary of Higher Education shall approve an institution of higher education or a proprietary institution licensed to offer academic degrees to act as an eligible transfer institution if the institution: (1) is in good standing with its accreditor and, if applicable, its licensing body;(2) if applicable, has not been sanctioned by the United States Department of Education due to having a high cohort loan default rate;(3) has not been placed on Heightened Cash Monitoring Payment Method Level 2 by the United States Department of Education;(4) within the previous five years has not had any judgments related to a consumer protection law entered against it in favor of a law enforcement agency; and(5) meets the requirements provided in section 9 of P.L. 2021, c. 27(C.18A:3B-93), and any additional standards provided pursuant to subsection b. of this section.b. The secretary may establish additional standards on a case-by-case basis for approving an eligible transfer institution.Added by L. 2021, c. 27, s. 10, eff. 9/1/2021.