Section 17B:27A-59.6 - Tax return, individual not covered, minimum essential coveragea. If a State income tax return indicates that an individual is not covered under minimum essential coverage at the time the tax return is filed, consistent with the provisions of P.L. 2018, c. 31(C.54A:11-1 et seq.), the tax return shall include the following information as to each such individual included in the tax return: (1) the age of each individual;(2) election by the individual filing the tax return of one of the two checkoff boxes described in subsection c. of this section for each individual included in the tax return;(3) if the individual who files a tax return chooses the checkoff box described in paragraph (3) of subsection c. of this section, any information determined by the department as essential to determining eligibility for insurance affordability assistance for the individual filing the tax return or any individual included in the tax return, if the information:(a) is not available from a reliable third-party data source;(b) is not otherwise required to be provided on the return; and(c) does not pertain to citizenship or immigration status; and(4) notification of the potential waiver of the State shared responsibility tax pursuant to subsection d. of this section.b. For an individual who files a tax return and chooses the checkoff box described in paragraph (3) of subsection c. of this section, the return or separate form shall facilitate the collection of contact information, including a phone number, electronic mail address, and mailing address, from the individual who filed the tax return and provide an option to indicate the individual's preferred method for the department to contact the individual who filed the tax return to facilitate either determination of eligibility for insurance affordability assistance or enrollment in minimum essential coverage.c.(1) In accordance with this section, the State Treasurer shall include with the income tax return form a separate form that is required only for individuals who file a tax return indicating that an individual included in the tax return is not covered under minimum essential coverage at the time the tax return is filed.(2) The separate form shall include two checkoff boxes as described in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection for each individual included in the tax return and the information described in paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection a. and in subsection b. of this section.(3) One checkoff box shall give an individual who files a tax return the choice to have the department:(a) based on information in the individual's tax return, determine eligibility for insurance affordability assistance for the individual filing the tax return and any other individual included in that tax return who does not have minimum essential coverage; and(b) obtain additional data that may be relevant to determine eligibility for insurance affordability assistance for the individual filing the tax return and any other individual included in that tax return who does not have minimum essential coverage.(4) One checkoff box shall allow an individual who files a tax return the choice to not have the department make the determination described in paragraph (3) of this subsection for the individual filing the tax return and any other individual included in that tax return who does not have minimum essential coverage.(5) The State Treasurer, in consultation with the Department of Banking and Insurance, shall: (a) develop language for the checkoff boxes described in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection;(b) develop language for the instructions for the State income tax return that includes a description of the effects of choosing the checkoff boxes described in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection, including the purposes for which the information disclosed under this section may be used; and(c) ensure that the language developed under subparagraph (a) of this paragraph is as simple, clear, and easy to understand as possible.(6) If an individual who files a tax return makes the election described in paragraph (3) of this subsection, the State Treasurer shall convey to the department all eligibility-relevant information contained on the return for all individuals included in that tax return.d. The State Treasurer shall waive the State shared responsibility tax imposed pursuant to section 3 of P.L. 2018, c. 31(C.54A:11-3) applicable to months of the year that the tax return is filed for any taxpayer who chooses the checkoff box described in paragraph (3) of subsection c. of this section. If the taxpayer fails to enroll in minimum essential coverage and maintain that coverage in each month following the enrollment period, the taxpayer shall be liable for any payments to which the taxpayer would have otherwise been subject.e. The State Treasurer shall coordinate the requirements of this subsection with the requirements of the "New Jersey Health Insurance Market Preservation Act," P.L. 2018, c. 31(C.54A:11-1 et seq.).Added by L. 2022, c. 39, s. 6, eff. 6/30/2022.