Section 17B:27-32 - Blanket insurancea. Any policy or contract of insurance against death or injury resulting from accident or from accidental means which conforms with the description and complies with the requirements contained in one of the following paragraphs shall be deemed a blanket insurance policy. (1) A policy or contract issued to any railroad, steamship, motor bus or airplane carrier of passengers, which carrier shall be deemed the policyholder, covering a group defined as all persons who may become such passengers and whereby such passengers shall be insured against loss or damage resulting from death or bodily injury either while, or as a result of, being such passengers. A policy or contract covering accidental death or injury to individuals resulting from airline accidents may also be issued under which premiums are paid from funds of the airline and the benefits are payable to the airline or to a trust established for the purpose of funding payments to persons with claims against the airline by reason of the death or bodily injury of individuals.
(2) A policy or contract issued in the name of any volunteer fire department, first aid or ambulance squad or volunteer police organization which shall be deemed the policyholder and covering all of the members of any such organization against loss from accidents resulting from hazards incidental to duties in connection with such organizations.(3) A policy or contract issued in the name of any established organization, whether incorporated or not, having community recognition and operating for the welfare of the community and not for profit which shall be deemed the policyholder and covering all volunteer workers who are members of the organization and who serve without pecuniary compensation against loss from accidents occurring while engaged in the actual performance of duties on behalf of such organization.(4) A policy or contract issued to any employer, who shall be deemed the policyholder, covering any group of employees defined by reference to exceptional hazards incident to such employment, insuring such employees against death or bodily injury resulting while or from being exposed to such exceptional hazards.(5) A policy or contract issued to a college, school, or other institution of learning or to the head or principal thereof, who or which shall be deemed the policyholder.(6) A policy or contract issued to and in the name of an incorporated or unincorporated association of persons having a common interest or calling, which association shall be deemed the policyholder, having not less than 50 members, covering all the members of such association, or if part or all of the premium is to be derived from funds contributed by the insured members and if the opportunity to take such insurance is offered to all eligible members, then such policy must cover not less than 75% of any class or classes of members determined by conditions pertaining to membership in the association.(7) A policy or contract issued to insure any other substantially similar group approved by the commissioner as eligible for insurance under a blanket insurance policy or contract.b. Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to affect the legal liability of policyholders for the death of or injury to any such member of such group.L.1971, c.144, s.17B:27-32.