Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 17:48A-1 - Definitions; liability for medical services
- Section 17:48A-2 - Nonprofit corporation; trustees and physicians; who may operate medical service plan; certificate of authority
- Section 17:48A-2.1 - Medical service corporation merger procedure
- Section 17:48A-3 - Issuance of certificate of authority; amendment; counties affected
- Section 17:48A-4 - Corporate funds required
- Section 17:48A-5 - Subscription contracts
- Section 17:48A-6 - Written contracts required; subscription certificates
- Section 17:48A-6.1 - Elective surgery; definitions
- Section 17:48A-6.2 - Second surgical opinion program
- Section 17:48A-6.3 - Payment for second surgical opinion
- Section 17:48A-6.4 - Third surgical opinion
- Section 17:48A-6.5 - Second opinion exclusions
- Section 17:48A-6.6 - Physicians furnishing opinion and performing surgical procedure; payment
- Section 17:48A-6.7 - Application
- Section 17:48A-6.8 - [Repealed]
- Section 17:48A-6.9 - [Repealed]
- Section 17:48A-6.10 - Eligibility for enrollment in medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-6.11 - Medical service corporation contract, exclusion, rates, terms based on genetic information prohibited
- Section 17:48A-7 - Formal requirements for subscription certificates
- Section 17:48A-7a - [Repealed]
- Section 17:48A-7b - Reconstructive breast surgery; benefits
- Section 17:48A-7c - Medical service contracts
- Section 17:48A-7d - Medical service corporation insurance benefits for preexisting condition
- Section 17:48A-7e - Medical service corporation to pay benefits for treatment of Wilm's tumor
- Section 17:48A-7f - Medical service corporation contract, mammogram examination benefits
- Section 17:48A-7g - Medical service corporation, benefits for "off-label" drugs required
- Section 17:48A-7h - Medical service corporation, benefits for health promotion
- Section 17:48A-7i - Requirements for medical service corporation providing benefits for pharmacy services
- Section 17:48A-7j - Benefits for certain cancer treatments
- Section 17:48A-7k - Coverage for birth and natal care; medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-7l - Coverage, diabetes treatment, individual, group medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-7m - Medical service corporation contract, Pap smear benefits
- Section 17:48A-7mm - Medical service corporation contract to cover digital tomosynthesis of the breast
- Section 17:48A-7n - Medical service corporation contract, prostate cancer testing
- Section 17:48A-7nn - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for donated human breast milk
- Section 17:48A-7o - Coverage for minimum inpatient care following mastectomy by individual, group medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-7p - Applicability of Health Care Quality Act
- Section 17:48A-7q - Coverage for treatment of inherited metabolic diseases by medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-7r - Medical service corporation to cover certain audiology, speech-language pathology services
- Section 17:48A-7s - Coverage for treatment of domestic violence injuries by medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-7t - Coverage for certain dental procedures for the severely disabled or child age five or under by medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-7u - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for mental health conditions, substance use disorders; collaborative care model
- Section 17:48A-7v - Coverage for hemophilia services by medical services corporation
- Section 17:48A-7w - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for treatment of infertility
- Section 17:48A-7x - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for colorectal cancer screening
- Section 17:48A-7y - Medical service corporation prescription drug plans to cover certain infant formulas
- Section 17:48A-7z - Contract issued under C.17:48A-1 et seq. required to cover certain out-of-network services
- Section 17:48A-7aa - Medical service corporation to offer coverage for domestic partner
- Section 17:48A-7bb - Medical service corporation, coverage for contraceptives
- Section 17:48A-7cc - Medical service corporation to provide benefits for orthotic and prosthetic appliances
- Section 17:48A-7dd - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for hearing aids, cochlear implant for covered persons
- Section 17:48A-7ee - Individual, group medical service corporation to provide installment payments to obstetrical provider for maternity services
- Section 17:48A-7ff - Medical service corporation to provide benefits for treatment of autism or other developmental disability
- Section 17:48A-7gg - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for oral anticancer medications
- Section 17:48A-7hh - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for sickle cell anemia
- Section 17:48A-7ii - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for prescription eye drops
- Section 17:48A-7jj - Medical service corporation contract, coverage for synchronization of prescribed medications
- Section 17:48A-7kk - Medical service corporation to provide benefits for treatment of substance use disorder
- Section 17:48A-7ll - Medical service corporation to provide coverage regardless of gender identity, expression
- Section 17:48A-7oo - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for standard fertility preservation services
- Section 17:48A-7pp - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for breastfeeding support
- Section 17:48A-7qq - Medical service corporation to cover preventive services
- Section 17:48A-7rr - Medical service corporation to provide certain coverage for prescription drugs
- Section 17:48A-7ss - Medical service corporation to cover adolescent depression screenings
- Section 17:48A-7tt - Medical service corporation to cover newborn home nurse visitation
- Section 17:48A-7uu - Individual, group medical service corporation contract, coverage, epinephrine auto-injector device
- Section 17:48A-7vv - Individual, group medical service corporation contract, coverage, prescription asthma inhaler
- Section 17:48A-7.1 - Group contracts; issuance; description; benefits; employees defined
- Section 17:48A-7.2 - Provisions applicable to group contracts
- Section 17:48A-7.3 - Group contract form
- Section 17:48A-7.4 - Participation agreements
- Section 17:48A-7.5 - Schedule of rates
- Section 17:48A-7.6 - Combined hospital-medical contract
- Section 17:48A-7.7 - Review of determinations of commissioner of banking and insurance
- Section 17:48A-7.8 - Review of practices, rules and procedures of medical service corporations
- Section 17:48A-7.9 - Adjustment of rates; experience rating formula; approval
- Section 17:48A-7.10 - Coverage provided by medical service corporation for subscriber's child
- Section 17:48A-7.11 - Requirements applicable to State Medicaid
- Section 17:48A-7.12 - Medical service corporation to receive, transmit transactions electronically; standards
- Section 17:48A-7.13 - Coverage for certain dependents until age 31 by medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-8 - Participating physicians; payments for medical services
- Section 17:48A-9 - Filing form of subscription certificate, etc.; disapproval by commissioner
- Section 17:48A-9.1 - Medical service corporation contract; compliance
- Section 17:48A-9.2 - Filing of contract or related forms
- Section 17:48A-9.3 - Contract forms; certification memorandum
- Section 17:48A-10 - Schedule of rates; filing, disapproval
- Section 17:48A-11 - Agreements with physicians; approval of payments; corporate records
- Section 17:48A-12 - Expenditures in soliciting subscribers
- Section 17:48A-13 - Administrative expenses
- Section 17:48A-13.1 - Medical service corporation, aggregate benefits
- Section 17:48A-14 - Investments; surplus
- Section 17:48A-15 - Statement of financial condition; inquiries by commissioner
- Section 17:48A-16 - Failure to file statement or answer inquiries; penalty
- Section 17:48A-17 - Examination of assets and affairs; assistants
- Section 17:48A-18 - Expense of examination; gifts, etc., to departmental employees
- Section 17:48A-19 - Exhibition of records and accounts; examinations under oath
- Section 17:48A-19.1 - Definitions
- Section 17:48A-19.2 - Increase in amount of capital or surplus required of medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-19.3 - Determination of increase, revision or redetermination; factors
- Section 17:48A-19.4 - Suspension, revocation of authority to do business
- Section 17:48A-19.5 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:48A-21 - Fees
- Section 17:48A-22 - Violations of chapter; penalty and recovery thereof; misdemeanors
- Section 17:48A-23 - Grants for needy persons
- Section 17:48A-24 - Corporation as charitable and benevolent institution; tax exemption
- Section 17:48A-25 - Partial invalidity
- Section 17:48A-26 - Podiatrist, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-27 - Bio-analytical laboratory, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-28 - Dentists, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-28.1 - Policies providing for reimbursement of services of dentist; additional applicable provisions
- Section 17:48A-28.2 - Application of act to contracts with reservation of right to change premium
- Section 17:48A-29 - Optometrist, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-30 - Psychologist, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-31 - Physical therapist, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-32 - Chiropractors; authorization for payment for diagnostic X-rays; inclusion in act as physician licensed to practice medicine or surgery; liberal construction
- Section 17:48A-33 - Chiropractors, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-34 - Nurse-midwives, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-35 - Services provided by registered professional nurse; benefits