Section 17:35C-5 - RegulationsThe commissioner shall promulgate regulations to effectuate and enforce the provisions of P.L. 1982, c.95 (C. 17:35C-1 et seq.) and any regulations which are necessary to conform Medicare supplement contracts and certificates with federal law. These regulations shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Establishment of minimum standards for benefits, claim payments, marketing and reporting practices and compensation arrangements;b. Establishment of a uniform methodology for calculating and reporting loss ratios, and requiring refunds or credits if the contracts or certificates do not meet loss ratio requirements;c. Establishment of a process for filing of all requests for premium increases and rate changes, which may include public hearings as determined appropriate by the commissioner prior to approval of any premium increases;d. Assurance of access by the public to contract, premium and loss ratio information; ande. Establishment of standards for Medicare Select contracts and certificates at such time as this State is authorized under federal law to authorize Medicare Select contracts and certificates.L.1982, c.95, s.5; amended 1992, c.144, s.4.