- Section 13:20-1 - Short title
- Section 13:20-2 - Findings, declarations relative to the "Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act."
- Section 13:20-3 - Definitions relative to the "Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act."
- Section 13:20-4 - "Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council."
- Section 13:20-5 - Membership of council, appointment, terms, meetings, minutes delivered to Governor
- Section 13:20-6 - Powers, duties, responsibilities of council
- Section 13:20-7 - Highlands Region, preservation area; delineated
- Section 13:20-8 - Preparation, adoption of master plan for the Highlands Region
- Section 13:20-9 - Consultations, etc. relative to preparation, revisions of regional master plan
- Section 13:20-10 - Goals of regional master plan
- Section 13:20-11 - Contents of regional master plan
- Section 13:20-12 - Additional contents of regional master plan
- Section 13:20-13 - Use of regional master plan elements for TDR program
- Section 13:20-14 - Submission of revisions to regional master plan by municipalities, counties in preservation area for conformance
- Section 13:20-15 - Municipalities, counties in planning area may petition council relative to revision
- Section 13:20-16 - Council may provide comments, recommendations on projects
- Section 13:20-17 - Review by council of regional applications for development
- Section 13:20-18 - Qualification for State aid, grants
- Section 13:20-19 - "Highlands Protection Fund"; use
- Section 13:20-20 - Council to provide legal representation to local units, conditions
- Section 13:20-21 - Guidelines, instructions to local government units
- Section 13:20-22 - Plans, regulations entitled to strong presumption of validity
- Section 13:20-23 - Regional master plan considered in allocation of prospective fair housing share
- Section 13:20-24 - Modification of site improvement standards for residential development
- Section 13:20-25 - Council may institute action, proceeding for injunctive relief
- Section 13:20-26 - Council decision deemed final agency action, appellate review
- Section 13:20-27 - Annual report of council
- Section 13:20-28 - Exemptions
- Section 13:20-29 - Agricultural, horticultural development, review required; enforcement
- Section 13:20-30 - Highlands Preservation Area, major development approvals; required, fee schedule
- Section 13:20-31 - Adoption of rules, regulations; procedure
- Section 13:20-32 - Rules, regulations, standards
- Section 13:20-33 - Highlands permitting review program
- Section 13:20-34 - Review of applications
- Section 13:20-35 - Violations, certain, civil actions, penalties